To those who have heard back with offers, anyone knows what the next steps entail? I know HR requested some basic information and schedules pre-employment physical but is there anything else after...
every unit has different start dates. mine begins on the second week of January. ? I believe there is a new grad RN orientation every other week, so there doesn't seem to be one date for all the new...
I received an offer and my resume/cover letters were forwarded to multiple departments for ucsd. for your resume, two pages is okay (mine was 2). keep it professional/clean and in your bullet points,...
for cardiac pcu 3b mine changed to "interviewed-pending decision" yesterday. other units have switched to "referred to hiring department" and "consideration for interview". what about
I actually don't have access to the messaging system here either, and I'd love to get in touch with you. I created an anon email address so you can PM me that way. I just don't want to compromise my...