

Emergency Nursing

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All Content by TKNewGrad

  1. University of California, Davis (UC Davis) Fall 2024

    Yeah I've heard similar! I'd love to work somewhere in Peds! I'm really lovin PICU/Peds ER, but IDK if they hire into those spots for new grads, so I'll take anywhere! I'm grateful I was able to do my senior preceptorship in Peds, but I also hinted a...
  2. University of California, Davis (UC Davis) Fall 2024

    Awesome stats!! That's amazing OMG Yeah I think I heard some rumors or from a previous forum that they were on a hiring freeze for a while and it affected the new grads. I'm not sure how reliable or true it is but if that's also what you heard t...
  3. University of California, Davis (UC Davis) Fall 2024

    I hope so! I'm not really sure how many they take but I've seen posts on LinkedIn that have 70-80 total new grads (both cohorts combined). I'm not sure if that's how many they're taking this time around or if it's really dependent on the organiz...
  4. University of California, Davis (UC Davis) Fall 2024

    Thank you so much for creating this! I didn't see a forum either and was gonna create one but you beat me to it 🙂 Just submitted mine today 4/8. Good luck to everyone!