newsong1 BSN

ER Nurse, Ped Med/Surg, Psych

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All Content by newsong1

  1. newsong1

    Need Psych Nurse perspective

    Hi @FullGlass, I think my hesitation to encourage people to fast-track their way to become psych NPs is that there is an under appreciation about the spectrum of mental health and there is little continuity in the mental health system as a whole...
  2. newsong1

    Need Psych Nurse perspective

    Hi Dizzycarrot, I can tell by what you wrote here that you want to help folks who are working through mental health struggles: I currently work as a psych nurse in an inpatient hospital. For the first 5 years of my nursing profession, I...
  3. newsong1

    Is doing therapy as a psych NP realistic?

    Hi Myoglobin, thank you for sharing your wisdom on this thread. It's such a relief to see that there are PMHNPs out there who are providing holistic care for their patients and they can still make a good living out of the work that they do. Li...