
IceBreaker1301 BSN

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All Content by IceBreaker1301

  1. University of MN CRNA 2022

    Man, I’m so sorry. IDK why I confused this post with U of Maryland. Forgive me. Wish you the best of luck? ?? even if you don’t get in, don’t you worry ? There’s a school out there for everyone.
  2. University of MN CRNA 2022

    On 9/30, they sent out an email saying “you are cordially invited” and you would pick your interview date and time. I believe there were like about 120-130 spots to interview.
  3. University of MN CRNA 2022

    My interview isn’t until November 1. You interviewed already? Yesterday they sent out an email saying we’ll be receiving 3 links before October 21st (one with the interview link, one with the student orientation, and I think one with Q&A)
  4. University of MN CRNA 2022

    I got an invite to interview about 3 weeks ago.
  5. NKU CRNA 2022

    OMG! Hahhaa my bad. The interviews were from Oct 7-9. I actually rejected to be interviewed by this school cause I went to another one. Geez I’m sorry for confusing the comment haha. I hope you get in and if not, keep trying!!
  6. NKU CRNA 2022

    What do you mean? Tomorrow night? I have a scheduled interview on November 1st. I got in another school but I think I’m still going to the interview since it’s via zoom.
  7. Fairfield CRNA 2022

    Don’t feel like Poo! You’ll get in somewhere, just keep applying!
  8. University of MN CRNA 2019 interviews?

    For those who got accepted into U of MN, around what day of the month did you find out if you were in or not? I have an interview on the 11th of October and was wondering when I would find out if I get accepted/rejected. Any feedback would be greatly...
  9. University of Minnesota DNP CRNA interview

    For those who got in the program, when did you find out that you got accepted? I got accepted into a program but have an interview with U of MN on Monday, Oct 11 and wanted to know how soon they tell you about acceptance/rejections. Any insight would...
  10. Fairfield CRNA 2022

    I got rejected. Luckily, I got in somewhere else! Hang on tight, there’s always a school made for you. Take care and good luck everyone! ?
  11. Fairfield CRNA 2022

    Hey guys! Check your emails! They’ve already chosen those who will get in this cohort!!
  12. University of MN CRNA 2022

    Hello! I plan to apply to the CRNA 2023 cohort next year since I’m still obtaining experience in my ICU. By any chance, can someone share with me if the interview was more personality or clinical based scenarios/questions? I’m not asking for answers....
  13. University of Arizona CRNA DNP 2022

    Thank you so much? It honestly gets very dark…. I’ve been rejected 4 times already! I get very nervous in interviews which is such a shame because I’m very outgoing, but when you have an interview panel dictate your future (to get in or not), it gets...
  14. University of Arizona CRNA DNP 2022

    I see!! Well that makes sense. I know CA is sooo expensive, cost of living, practically everything ? I have an interview with a school of Indians this Saturday? Honestly, I just want to get in anywhere. I don’t care where! Florida has soooo many...
  15. University of Arizona CRNA DNP 2022

    Why CA? Are you from there? If you don’t mind me asking, sorry!
  16. University of Arizona CRNA DNP 2022

    I applied to 16 schools ?? you?
  17. University of Arizona CRNA DNP 2022

    I wonder how many they will interview this cohort.
  18. University of Arizona CRNA DNP 2022

    same!! Hopefully we get an interview?? also hope it’s more personality based than clinical ?
  19. Fairfield CRNA 2022

    does anyone know when we may hear back regarding admission/rejection?
  20. Fairfield CRNA 2022

    Just think positive ? and if you don’t get in, don’t give up!!?? I don’t think I’ll get in but we will see. They caught me off guard with a question and quite honestly I felt like it was a long process. My interview was late so I was wait...
  21. Fairfield CRNA 2022

    Yeah. It was literally maybe 5-6 minutes long. Mix of clinical and personal questions. 1 clinical question for me- they choose. And then you had to also write an essay based on an article they send you. No, you can’t prepare yourself for that a...

    Hi ya'll, geez... this post took a very sharp turn. I hope everyone is where they want to be and are happy with their job, life, and themselves. Anyways, I plan to apply to the University of Evansville to the DNAP Anesthesia program. I w...
  23. Fairfield CRNA 2021 Application

    Geez. Just finished my interview. Only 1 personal question and 1 clinical question. Seemed very impersonal. Now waiting for the writing prompt. Oh well! If I don’t get in, it’s okay. I’ll get in somewhere. Fingers crossed?? Good luck to everyone else...
  24. Wayne State SRNA 2022

    Take a look at y’all’s emails! Rejection and acceptance letters already started being sent out! I got rejected. Good luck to everyone ??
  25. NKU CRNA 2022

    I was also granted an interview! Looks like they’re only interviewing from October 7-9. How nerve wrecking. I read on other nursing forums that their interview process is the hardest they’ve overcome… Apparentely very clinical heavy based with many n...