

Psych, Long-term care, Case Management

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About NurseEmma757

NurseEmma757 specializes in Psych, Long-term care, Case Management.

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  1. What does a LVN Case Manager do?

    hi, im an LPN and work in Case Management here in VA at a psych hospital. The job mostly consists of setting patients up with after care with Therapist and Psychiatrist and referring them to different...
  2. How much do you make 2016

    25.50 base pay at a Behavioral Health Hospital in VA, starting a new job next month at a inpatient detox facility making
  3. LPN

    Hi, I'm an LPN in VA and was wondering how does an LPN get certified to become a Med Tech or CNA trainer? I see plenty of jobs hiring but requires the certification and I can't find anything about how...