Danielle Z

Danielle Z

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All Content by Danielle Z

  1. College of Mount St. Vincent ABSN Fall 2021

    I accepted admission today and will be starting in the fall! Its quite far from my home and im nervous about the reviews but ever since I received my acceptance letter the school has been great with keeping in contact with me.
  2. LIU Brooklyn ABSN FALL 2021

    Hey all! last month or so I received a conditional acceptance, spoke with someone names (MODERATOR EDIT OF NAME) and he told to reach out after I was almost done with classes. I did that and he never responses but someone else named (MODERATOR EDIT O...
  3. NYU ABSN FAll 2021

    I got rejected =(
  4. NYU ABSN FAll 2021

    OMG everything disappeared from mine as well! im so nervous!
  5. NYU ABSN FAll 2021

    ugh they are killin meeeee. What is going on =(
  6. NYU ABSN FAll 2021

    anybody get any updates or changes today?
  7. NYU ABSN FAll 2021

    I just called them and they said my application is complete but still under review and the latest id get a decision is the first week of June. The anticipation is killing me!!
  8. NYU ABSN FAll 2021

    for everyone calling, are you calling the rory meyers admission line or NYU undergrad admissions?
  9. NYU ABSN FAll 2021

    I've been waiting and waiting and waiting checking this forum religiously and I still havent heard anything. I want to cryyyyy. list is gone but nothing yet. I was accepted to mount st vincent but really want NYU! congrats to everyone acc...