
TracyB,RN RN

jack of all trades, master of none

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About TracyB,RN

TracyB,RN has 14 years experience as a RN and specializes in jack of all trades, master of none.

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  1. Asked to stay late with call team w/out call team pay

    I was wondering if you worked at my old job.. Almost identical scenario... Then I saw in a post about NC... I'm in IL. Where I used to work, it seems as if the nurse manager is encouraged by HR &...
  2. Open Heart Team??

    For those in hearts, who had to make a choice between hearts & another service? How did you KNOW you wanted
  3. Joliet and JJC former and current students

    Good luck at JUCO.... Graduated from there many years ago, great program. I used a PDA for calculations & stuff... had some quizzes I had downloaded. Back then, Joes & Silver didn't have any...
  4. Out of the patient & directly to security, or police officer who is not so patiently waiting for the "foreign object." Check your P &
  5. Leslie... "bite me" is one of my all time faves...It can be very effective when used with just the right tone... One thing I'd really love to say to TPTB... maybe we have a problem with low morale b/c...
  6. standing ovation for that
  7. Pay for carring the beeper

    IL 5 OR's $3.50hr callpay w/ 2 hr guarantee 1 1/2 time when punching in specialty team leader pay
  8. What you get for nurses week

    HA! My hospital combined nurses week w/ hospital week. Had an outdoor luncheon under a tent and gave all employees an polo shirt w/ the hospital name embroidered on it... yawn.... Oh, I forgot about...
  9. OR Policy Help............

    hardware... goes to path for gross exam... patient can't have it back, either. BOGUS!! absences... depends on the reason.. usually 5 occurence in 1 yr is verbal, next is write up, next step suspend,...
  10. da vinci robot poll

    Ummm, nope. We don't even have computer charting
  11. Do OR nurses do any type of patient care?

    Things may seem quite technical, but it is considered patient care. Everything in that room revolves around the patient, who is usually unconscious. We are the eyes, ears, and advocate for that...
  12. count sheets

    Wow... I can't imagine not counting, everything. Our count sheet is also part of the patient record.. scissors, clamps, & everything else included. We make time, whether or not the surgeon wants...
  13. which job would you choose?

    Ohhh man.. I would so pick job #2. But that's just
  14. Some questions for the women

    Ha...I remember seeing that "Instead" product & thinking "uh uh, no way" Female wise, I've been pretty darn lucky & am almost so on the money when I start, I could probably set my watch to...
  15. I work at Disney World now!!

    Here's the Disney link... just do a search like you would on Monster or the like... I haven't seen any openings in Orlando for awhile & when I did, hubby didn't want to