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All Content by CarrieH

  1. I used to give allergy shots to a patient who said I hurt less than the allergy office. I always changed the needles after drawing them up, she said she never saw them change the needles. Don't know if that or my technique that made the difference.
  2. Stupid things said by your non-nurse significant other

    Just tonight, my mother-in-law told me that one of her sisters needs to have the aorta in her neck cleaned out. My husband is always coming up with some weird comment or complaint, but I can't think of an example right now. (time for bed) He likes ...
  3. Book buying tips

    I usually go for Amazon and Barnes and Noble (online) and I buy ahead of time to get the best deal. Even new books are usually cheaper on these sites than in the school bookstore.
  4. Keep in mind that a lot depends on the pH ect. of what you are injecting. Some things burn no matter what you do. Make sure you're not pushing the plunger too fast. It takes some practice to inject and talk at the same time, but the best way I've ...
  5. How to get hired without experience

    I so happy to hear that you are being treated so well! As someone who has worked both as a "float" and with just one doctor I hear you on the I just want my own desk thing... but one real advantage to floating is that you never get burnt out in one ...
  6. Typical Day

    I know this post is old, but here are typical days for me... (Med/Ped's office - previous typical day) Get to work, make sure rooms are stocked and clean, check oxygen, fridge/freezer temp, phone messages. Start bringing patients back... full vitals...
  7. staying healthy

    I spent 12 years in primary care (mostly internist/pediatricians) and regularly got 3-4 colds a year. This year I've been sick almost non-stop since October. My solution? I asked my manager to put me full-time with the cardiologist. His patients d...
  8. patient ratio

    I live and work on the Treasure Coast. Since I work in an office, I have no idea what the ratio's would be in our hospitals... just curious, what hospital do you work in?
  9. What's your long term goal?

    Sad thing is, the college I'm attending right now just terminated several instructors during some cut-backs. Now it's even harder to get in the program since there are less teachers to teach it.
  10. What's your long term goal?

    I worked 10 years with a doctor who was internal medicine and pediatrics and loved the peds. Ever since I started thinking about becoming an NP I thought it would be in peds... but the past two years I'm been working off and on with a cardiologist a...
  11. What's your long term goal?

    I'm thinking the same thing. I have two small children (one of whom is special needs) and I can't go full time to school since I still have to work full time. I'm aiming for doctorate since by the time I get anywhere close to being an ANP that will...
  12. Somebody answer: Hep B Series

    Check with your high school. They may still have your shot record. BTW, is an excellent vaccine website... I'm on there all the time.
  13. INR Question

    All the labs list the theraputic ranges as "normal". It will show up as "low" on the lab result since the majority of pts getting this lab are on anticoagulant therapy. I confused a nurse that worked with my son's pediatrician once because I asked ...
  14. To Flu Shot or Not??

    Just an FYI to all the posters concerned about trace levels of Thimerosal in vaccines... You are exposed to more thimerosal from your cosmetics and several other household products that require a preservative. In addition, this is not the same merc...
  15. To Flu Shot or Not??

    Get the flu shot. The one time I didn't get it because I "didn't get a chance" I got the flu. Trust me, the side effects of the vaccine are nothing in comparison to the real thing. I remember a few years ago hearing about a nurse who was sued for n...
  16. Stethoscope Earpiece Amplifiers?

    i don't know if this actually works or not, but i found a amplifier diaphragm for $6 on - unless you have actual hearing loss, you might want to try some of ...
  17. I'm O+ and my son is A+. He had newborn jaundice, but didn't require bili lights. (My mom cheated and bought me a full spectrum light from home depot since it was winter and the windows were too drafty to sit by). He had a short period of time a n...
  18. Determine O2 without a pulse oximeter available

    That's about it... look and listen. After a while, you can pretty much guess what the pulse ox is going to read just by looking at the patient and listening. If you can hear stuff rumbling around in the lungs without a stethoscope, their mouth is o...
  19. Vitamin K - IV route & clarifications

    You're right to document everything... if some thing goes wrong, then you've documented that you double-checked an unusual order.
  20. Need shoe advice!

    I tried every shoe and insert possible... New Balance (with roll bars and in narrow - have someone at the store help you figure out what you need) with an arch support insert is the only thing I can wear all day. I have bad bilateral flat feet and pl...
  21. *Weird* Patient Allergies

    How about "Coumadin makes me bruise"? Ok, but the blood clot will make you die.
  22. *Weird* Patient Allergies

    I'm allergic to chocolate... it makes my rear end swell. Seriously though... I'm allergic to raspberries, but not any other berry. I didn't become allergic until I was an adult and I used to eat them off the wild bushes in my back yard as a kid. G...
  23. will universal healthcare ( in the usa) cut RN pay?

    Back on topic... When I was with a doctor in private practice I learned a lot about what each insurance company paid for each service. At one point the doctor was trying to decide if he should drop Aetna US Healthcare (a private insurance) or NJ Kid...
  24. will universal healthcare ( in the usa) cut RN pay?

    Do you really make that much money that you would be paying a larger portion than every one else? And you have insurance that covers everything with an itty bitty deductible? Where do you work and how do I get your job? BTW, you already pay for poo...
  25. will universal healthcare ( in the usa) cut RN pay?

    Yes, every hospital offers health insurance for their employees and I chose to work for one. I also chose the cheaper program that had more limited benefits, but it was enough for me and my family. Then the hospital chose to take it away from me (a...