Alicia Claire

Alicia Claire

Travel Nurse

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  1. In my experience any informed consent obtained over the telephone requires 2 medical professionals witnessing. I am in California at an appointment only clinic doing vaccinations For 16 and 17 year old patients , what is the law for obtain...
  2. Parental Consent via Telephone in California

    There is an actual consent form separate from the form with QR codes
  3. Parental Consent via Telephone in California

    16 and 17 year olds are minors
  4. Parental Consent via Telephone in California

    My question is actually if the minor arrives with no consent form signed : if we sign this by telephone consent do we need two medical professionals witnessing the verbal consent this is protocol in every situation in every state I’ve wor...
  5. Parental Consent via Telephone in California

    I did find this information on the Vaccine scheduling website it clearly states that the form must be printed and signed by the legal guardian prior to appointment and must available by phone if any decisions are needed to be made At no po...
  6. Parental Consent via Telephone in California

    Thanks . Everyone who is vaccinated is required to sign a consent form prior to vaccination . that is the form I am referring to
  7. Parental Consent via Telephone in California

    I guess I’m being over cautious. I just feel a little uneasy with not hearing verbal consent before injecting a vaccine into a child’s body . Maybe I just needed some extra validation that this is legal LOL
  8. Parental Consent via Telephone in California

    Unfortunately this is not available as there is no policy handbook. It is a mass immunization site . The lead is telling me today that someone is calling to get consent before they are coming to the vaccinators . when the patient arrived to us for ...