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All Content by TIMFY

  1. Selected for urine test and used hand sanitizer

    Are you sure that's true if its a false positive though? Like zoloft can cause a false positive for Benzos but I don't know if you could test positive for benzos, say its d/t your zoloft and get it ruled a "prescription positive". I think thats more ...
  2. Selected for urine test and used hand sanitizer

    I think they just say that so people don't try and use it as an excuse for testing positive. LOL I was in monitoring all through covid and used lots of hand sanitizer and never had an issue. also gave myself shots and used lots of alcohol swabs
  3. PeTH finger prick test?

    I thought the instructions specifically said not to use alcohol?
  4. expired license now suspended

    I would think once you complete the treatment it would be unsuspended, regardless of whether or not you decide to reactivate it. I guess I'm a little confused on why you're in a program for a state you don't plan on practicing in? Is it so you'll hav...
  5. I wouldn't think so since the board wouldn't do their investigation if you surrendered your license. I mean the letter might make it in the public documents, but the board would still post the allegations, having a letter wouldn't make it confidentia...
  6. yes, but it my state, the investigation is still public record.
  7. “Stayed suspension"

    The monitoring program doesn't have any restrictions? I'm sure it varies by state but where I'm at, the restrictions wouldn't come from the board or even show on your license, but would be enforced through the monitoring program.
  8. Direct Entry MSN - No interest in bedside

    I feel like being able to prescribe without actually having any experience with the meds would be a bad idea. Pts often have other comorbidites too so even if you're strictly prescribing psych meds, a lot of psych meds cause QTc prolongation which in...
  9. Expungement

    You would still have to answer "Yes" to "have you ever been arrested, etc" so I'm not sure it would matter if it were expunged
  10. Affinity higher level testing TPAPN

    Yes they can do that and you are extremely lucky that they didn't extend you or close your case and refer you back to the board. I would be doing whatever they asked if they're still going to let you be done on time.
  11. Hair Follicle Testing in Monitoring Programs

    Lets not spread misinformation 😉 The reason I didn't self report was because of comments like these-I am in pain management and I thought there was no way they'd let me continue my meds throughout the program. But they didn't bat an eye or require an...
  12. To Anyone Who Will Listen

    I'm a little confused about the MRO thing-monitoring (at least my program) doesn't use an MRO but they still do all of the confirmatory tests. Your case manager is the "MRO". I was taking a few different controlled substances in monitoring and the la...
  13. Hair Follicle Testing in Monitoring Programs

    Probably depends on the state, but I don't think most states do. Hair testing is supposed to show more chronic use so if it were just a few doses, it probably wouldn't show up.
  14. CA Diversion Program Changes

    This is wild. I almost understand but I have no desire to ever work around narcotics again? I don't think 6 months would make it any safer for me? My job in monitoring had no narcotics so I would have been SOL.
  15. BON complaint AFTER you're already in a consent order

    You had another complaint for diversion from that facility or their complaint was that you were practicing without telling them about the probation? Probably varies by state but I doubt anything will happen if you're already in a program. I had 3 com...
  16. Does probation always mean nurse license suspension?

    I had to get a note from my Dr saying I was safe to practice and then pay a fine, I had self enrolled in TPAPN so I had already gotten my letter from my Dr and then I was board ordered to complete TPAPN and they suspended my license until I submitted...
  17. Part time jobs while in monitoring

    I walk and board dogs! I'm no longer in monitoring but I still do it and make ~$1000-$1500/mo!
  18. BON and reporting termination

    In my experience, Texas is one of those states, but even if they're supposed to, your employer might not
  19. Working as a private nurse with no license

    You would absolutely not be able to work as a private duty nurse without a license. Even if you market yourself as a "care person" or something, you would not be able to do nursing things and it would be a huge liability if something happened. Unfort...
  20. I think you have to have a certain number of posts to be able to private message, but you can email me! [email protected]
  21. To self report DUI or not

    Mine was for drug diversion(s) and I didn't have criminal charges so I'm not 100% sure how that works. You can take a look at my post hx though! I bet your probation officer might report it to the board. I would think they'd be mandatory report...
  22. To self report DUI or not

    I would definitely tell them on your license renewal. Not sure how they find out but they always seem to, even if it takes a few years. I know I had to do a full background check at my last renewal. And you are correct that lying on your renewal will...
  23. Positive result

    yep thats what happened to me taking vyvanse in tpapn! It happened to me over NYE last year, longest weekend ever!! LOL it changed from "positive" to "prescription positive" the next business day when my CM was back in the office ETA agree with ...
  24. Refused UDS, what to do now?

    I recently finished TPAPN and we had all day to test. Can you go to an urgent care before work? I had to go to carenow once or twice before work at 6a or after at 7p. It was like $25 more I think. My testing was through affinity and not recoverytrek ...
  25. Just got the dreaded phone call

    mine automatically went to a single state when I was in monitoring, it was easy to get it switched back after I was finished though!