Cinthia L

Cinthia L


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About Cinthia L

Cinthia L has 5 years experience and specializes in OR.

Latest Activity

  1. Nursing Student Question

    That's great to know. All of the responses have been so motivating and I'm now looking forward to graduating. Thank you so
  2. Nursing Student Question

    Thank you sooo much!! This made me feel so relieved. I really can't wait to start actually learning about the OR. I know that after nursing school I will have to be taught everything about the world...
  3. Nursing Student Question

    That makes so much sense. Thank you! I will look into that but you're probably right most jobs are hiring full time and I definitely can't do that. You said you're involved in the hiring in the OR,...
  4. Nursing Student Question

    Hi, my name is Cinthia I'm actually an S1 nursing student at Texas Woman's University and I've been stressing out about not having any extracurriculars when graduating. So, I wanted to reach out to...
  5. Bovie grounding pads
