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About AnonAMoose

AnonAMoose has 3 years experience.

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  1. 2 terms, about 4 months each. Both terms consisted of 1 all-day in-person class for lecture plus 2 days of clinicals. About halfway through the 2nd/last term, we stopped going to class and started our preceptorship. Some in my class go...
  2. sacramento Carrington college lvn-RN 2021

    Hey Krista, I can't say it was hard, but it was definitely frustrating. I'm an organized, "cross your Ts & dot your Is" type of person, so I made sure to do ample research on what Carrington required: Completing the correct prerequisite clas...
  3. Carrington College Sacramento - LVN to RN

    I just got the emails this morning about orientation & supplies pick-up. Thanks for the information! ?
  4. Carrington College Sacramento - LVN to RN

    1x lecture & 2x clinicals per week -- is this pretty much the same through the entire 8-month program? Because it's an RN program, I assumed it would be 5 days but am pleasantly and happily surprised it's 3 only. I hear you. One of ...
  5. Hello, everyone! Communicating with and getting information from Carrington has been extremely difficult, so I'm hoping to get feedback from current and past students. I got the acceptance call yesterday for their April 12 start. I was told...
  6. Carrington College Sacramento - LVN to RN

    Could you please share the on-campus schedule? How many times did you have to go on campus, and how were the clinical sites handled? A friend's coworker graduated May 2020 and said she only had to be on campus once per week, which would be abso...
  7. sacramento Carrington college lvn-RN 2021

    Yes, I did. I got the call yesterday and was told orientation will be held one week before the 4/12 start.