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All Content by KarlaC2021

  1. @marquia93 mine changed to the DIP- Licensed practical nurse one!! That’s the one I applied for!!
  2. @marquia93 good luck! I am super excited and nervous as well!!
  3. @Erica93 good luck! I was soooo relieved when I finished! You’re almost there!
  4. That’s why I’m on here too LOL I’m extremely nervous! I dropped off my application on feb 5th and I didn’t realize that they would update us in June!! I try to be prepared before every semester and I know nursing will be different so right now I feel...
  5. I applied for the LPN program. I’m nervous because I feel like I had low points. I think it was 27? I’m not a resident of Orangeburg but I did finish all my pre-nursing courses at midlands tech. I know it’s competitive but do you know how the accepta...