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About BeachNurse

BeachNurse has 12 years experience and specializes in Research,Peds,Neuro,Psych,.

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  1. New to NOVA

    I'm in
  2. New to NOVA

    Well I am FROM northern VA and have been working in FL for the past 6.5 years as a RN. Florida is SAD in the way of salary. I only make $23.50/hr with all my years of experience. I started at...
  3. Good MSN/MBA online programs?

    Hi there..Jacksonville University has a dual MSN/MBA program. JU also has a physical campus. I believe that U of Phoenix does too. I was thinking seriously about pursuing a RN-BSN then to the...
  4. Online BSN for someone w/ a bachelors...

    Just can you ever become a nurse without laying hands on a patient? Surely you can't learn it
  5. Phasing out of Master's for NPs???

    The first thing I asked the UF program director was if they anticipated whether NP salaries would go up with the DNP degree. She took great offense to the question and stated that she was not...
  6. Hi from Jacksonville

    Hello..I'm in Jax
  7. How many work and go to school???

    I will be going back to school soon and I work a full-time job and also PRN most weekends. I know that I will have to cut out the PRN stuff once I get into the full swing of school. I have...
  8. Phasing out of Master's for NPs???

    That is what I have read also. My sister is a PharmD and there are great similarities between the two. I think they have phased out Registered Pharmacists...PharmD's definately have a lot of respect...
  9. Phasing out of Master's for NPs???

    Thanks for the info..I actually did some more checking around. I want to attend University of Florida and THEY are phasing out their Master's prepared NP program. So if you want to do NP you have to...
  10. I am in Florida and was wondering if anyone else has heard about this. I was thinking of going back to school with a RN-to-MSN program and becoming a NP. I was told there is no more RN to MSN...
  11. Research Nurse Coordinator???

    She is a contracted clinical research associate, or monitor. She doesn't even work directly "for" one of the pharmaceutical companies. Lately these CRA positions ask for a minimum of 2 years...
  12. Research Nurse Coordinator???

    I agree with you, however, I was speaking of my own personal plans. I have three children, ages 12, 10 and 2, and my husband is currently finishing a college degree. Going back to school does not...
  13. Research Nurse Coordinator???

    Hi, I have seen it too. Frankly, I really don't see the need for it right now. I am thinking of trying to become a Clinical Research Associate, a "monitor" who basically audits other research sites...
  14. Research Nurse Coordinator???

    Our NIH studies are grant-based and federally funded. We do HIV studies so the money is always there. In the 10 year research history of our dept, we have never even been close to firing anyone over...
  15. Research Nurse Coordinator???

    This is my job title. It involves the coordination of clinical research studies. You see patients for study visits, obtain informed consent, conduct study procedures (could be anything from a survey...