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All Content by Karibunii

  1. Roseman BSN 2023

    IMO a teacher is supposed to do just that, teach material while ensuring that students are understanding material. However, most of the lectures that I attended either felt like kindergarten playtime with projects assigned to kill valuable time in cl...
  2. June, AUGUST 2023 Roseman

    😭😭 I deleted that a long time ago and I can't find it.
  3. Roseman BSN 2023

    What helped me the most was solo study. Nursing information didn't come easy to me because I felt the logic a lot of the times was clashing with my own thought process + as time goes by you learn exactly what the program requires of you in which you ...
  4. Roseman BSN 2023

    Thank you! The degree will be yours as well in a blink of an eye:) Glad your questions are about SLC cos thats where I finished my program, forgot to mention that. So for housing and potential weather issues I would say try to live as close to c...
  5. June, AUGUST 2023 Roseman

    Hello everyone, I'm a past graduate from Roseman (Feb 2023). If anyone has any questions I'm happy to help.
  6. Roseman BSN 2023

    Hello everyone, I'm a past graduate (feb 2023) from Roseman. If anyone has any questions I'm happy to help.
  7. Roseman University- BSN (FALL 2021)

    Thank you, I was hoping someone would start one ? I requested access to the group as well. Thank you and I hope we all become friends!
  8. Roseman University 2021 August cohort

    Hi, can I ask you some questions over email? I have some questions about fin aid. Feeling overwhelmed ? LOL
  9. Roseman University- BSN (FALL 2021)

    Hello everyone! I applied to the BSN August 2021 program in early February of 2021, got an interview on March 10, and then received an acceptance letter today for the South Jordan campus ?
  10. Roseman University 2021 August cohort

    I received an acceptance email to the South Jordan campus for the BSN program in August 2021 ?
  11. Roseman University 2021 August cohort

    Lmao same. I studied the questions so hard that I think I came off as rehearsed/robotic or something. My interview also went too fast LOL I think we'll be OK as long as we didn't say anything crazy. I read somewhere that the hardest part is *getting*...
  12. Roseman University 2021 August cohort

    Hey! Me too! I've been refreshing my emails constantly ?? Hoping I get in anywhere, but preferably Henderson LOL How about you? How do you think your interview went? What questions did you get? I got tell me a time where your integrity wa...
  13. Roseman University 2021 August cohort

    I think I did well because I had created a Google drive doc full of past Roseman cohort questions LOL I studied them so much that I think I answered with confidence. I used examples from my experience as a CNA to answer their questions lmao unsure if...
  14. Roseman University 2021 August cohort

    Hello! I too have my interview for the 2021 BSN program on 3/10/21! EXCITED!! Hoping for Henderson as I live in California. For anyone in the future who's reading these forums, my stats are: 79% TEAS 3.3 cumulative GPA 3.1 prereq ...