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All Content by CourseMan998

  1. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2021

    Hey I got in in March!
  2. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2021

    nothing yet!
  3. UBC 2021

    The date you submitted your supplemental has no effect on your overall application nor your wait list status. There were over 850 applicants, so even if you have the same “numerical” scores as someone else (1,2 etc) doesn’t mean you’re in the same po...
  4. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2021

    Nvm it went back
  5. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2021

    Trent portal updated and shows nothing now, is this a rejection?
  6. UBC 2021

    It looks like UBC values CASPER the most
  7. UBC 2021

    Thats weird... your average would be an 85% ish which would be much higher than 4. Maybe they look at international grades differently?
  8. UBC 2021

    then maybe a 88%+ is a 1 !
  9. UBC 2021

    From previous threads (not confirmed) plus it might be tougher bc there are way more applicants: 90%+ is a 1 for grades 83-89 is a 2 82 and less is a 3 etc etc.
  10. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2021

    Did you complete your prerequisites?
  11. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2021

    I converted my last 10 courses into individual GPA, then divided by 10 to find average GPA
  12. UBC 2021

    No you will still get your degree!
  13. UBC 2021

    Message me!
  14. UBC 2021

    June 7!
  15. UBC 2021

    U of A! (I live in edmonton so its much cheaper) I wish I can find out how I did on CASPER!
  16. UBC 2021

    They usually take about 30 off the wait list! So stay patient! im going to decline my offer, best of luck to everyone waiting!
  17. UBC 2021

    Yeah no update on SSC, I’ll give it until after the weekend
  18. UBC 2021

    I got in !
  19. UBC 2021

    any UBC updates?
  20. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2021

    Any Toronto news?
  21. UBC 2021

    its the same thing with medical schools (and doctor shortages especially in rural areas), since healthcare is free, the government has to pay for it. Unfortunately this means less seats, less nurses etc. Unlike USA where its private and there is...
  22. Ontario Second Entry Nursing Fall 2021

    I believe it’s a 3.3
  23. UBC 2021

    I’m thinking this Friday!
  24. University of Alberta After Degree Program Fall 2021

    I also got a conditional offer, I just logged into bear tracks and put the courses into my shopping cart
  25. University of Alberta After Degree Program Fall 2021

    bear tracks!