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About michigooseBSN

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  1. Too old for school nursing??

    I began school nursing in a 400 student K through 5 elementary at age 60 and didn't retire until I was 68. My background was in Ob and Med-surg but I was a mother (of four) which counted as practical...
  2. Who does that?!

    In nine days I will celebrate 22 years of sobriety and recovery and I,too, feel like getting caught for diverting (stealing) was the start of a whole new life for me. Gratitude doesn't begin to cover...
  3. Just want to share for once

    Mona, Don't worry if you don't feel like speaking at meetings. Just try to listen with an open mind and try to identify (see similarities) rather than compare. Listen to what people say about feelings...
  4. Just want to share for once

    Mona1023, I'll take a stab at answering your question from my point of view, bearing in mind that there is no one definitive definition. I think it is when a user (of alcohol or drugs, it doesn't...
  5. New to forum, Intro and ? re: IN BON

    I was already practicing nursing when I was caught diverting drugs at work. Thank God I immediately surrendered. I self reported to the BON (not much credit due since if I hadn't, my job would have...
  6. New to forum, Intro and ? re: IN BON

    Waldo 1984, I don't quite understand how you are graduating from a nursing program in 8 weeks and say that your rehab was in July of 2009 and also preceded your being a health care provider. Weren't...
  7. What is your opinion/knowledge base on recovery programs?

    I'm saddened to hear of the problems so many have had with their recovery programs through their state BONs. Just let me say that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' SARP (substance abuse recovery...
  8. Roll call...status call...

    Kathy from Massachusetts. Sobriety date May 18, 1992. Self reported to BON and successfully completed BON's 5 year SARP program and have had license cleared. Worked in med-surg for 1 1/2 years at the...
  9. I'm doing my first LEAD todayyyy!

    MixChelleRN Congratulations on telling your story for the first time. That's always the scariest. Here in Massachusetts (and in Florida where I have often vacationed) we call it "speaking", "sharing"...
  10. Any point in fighting NA requirement?

    That's easy. Choose a sponsor who doesn't judge your form of spirituality. I've heard it said "look for somebody who has what you want and ask him/her to be your sponsor". That's what I did and it...
  11. Any point in fighting NA requirement?

    I've heard GOD also referred to as "Group Of Drunks" and "Good Orderly Direction". Neither of these have any reference to a deity. I have a sponsee who is a UU minister. I am an Episcopalian. I asked...
  12. When I started the recovery process in Massachusetts many years ago, the nurses' support groups ( I attended two different ones) were free. What kind of nurses support group costs that kind of money?...
  13. Question about addiction development

    lylenrn, Yes, I see your problem. You are right, your are at risk due to your family history. Is "this guy" your primary physician or a specialist? If a specialist, talk right now with your primary...
  14. How long did it take you to get caught?

    I think that there is often another factor at work. Many diverting nurses are, at least at first, very hard working compassionate nurses and their co-workers are either reluctant to believe the worst...
  15. Question about addiction development

    I remember early in my recovery from addiction (over 15 years ago) being told by a friend in recovery that the litmus test she used when being prescribed narcotic pain meds for legitimate use (after...