

Vascular access

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About Justcultureisjustcrap

Justcultureisjustcrap has 41 years experience and specializes in Vascular access.

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  1. Does a suspended nursing license show up on a background check?

    My experience is that the BON can't wait to crucify nurses. No wonder people are leaving
  2. Degree over Experience?

    I learned how to write useless 20-page care plans with my BSN. Did most of my learning on the job. And, let me add, some of the best nurses I ever worked with were LPNs.
  3. Should I resign or am I overreacting?

    Sounds like you have a target on your back. Find another job, then resign
  4. Does Joint Commission have any credibility left in 2022?

    Never had credibility. Just a money-sucking sham for suits. Until they care about patient ratios they are totally irrelevant . Trying desperately to make themselves relevant. Hilarious!
  5. Tennessee Nurse RaDonda Vaught - Legal Perspectives of Fatal Medication Error

    Lose license.. yes. Prison??? No.. it was a mistake- albeit fatal- it was a mistake. I don't sense there was any ill intent.
  6. Joint Commission Citing & Employee Files

    My question is- where is the evidence that shows a significant difference between the first and second drop of blood??
  7. Abuse Accusations

    Lawyers don't help much with the BON. They aren't allowed to speak. My colleague wasted a lot of money on one. It's basically a "court" where you are assumed guilty, and you might or might not be given an opportunity to defend yourself. If you carry...
  8. Abuse Accusations

    Lawyers don't help much with the BON. They aren't allowed to speak. My colleague wanted a lot of money on one. It's basically a "court" where you are assumed guilty, and you might or might not be given an opportunity to defend yourself. If you carry...
  9. Med Error

    What does it mean? It means exactly what I said. I never said she shouldn't work in a hospital and don't twist my words. I was suggesting that she might want to explore other nursing options besides the dog-eat-dog world of hospital nursing where peo...
  10. Med Error

    We ALL make mistakes. But, don't believe the "just culture" crap. Absolutely a lie . Don't give up. You dedicated a lot of your life to this goal. The good thing about nursing is that you don't have to work in a hospital . That's what I told my dau...
  11. Med Error

    We ALL make mistakes. But, don't believe the "just culture" crap. Absolutely a lie . Don't give up. You dedicated a lot of your life to this goal. The good thing about nursing is that you don't have to work in a hospital . That's what I told my dau...
  12. Does Joint Commission have any credibility left in 2022?

    Never had credibility. Just a money-sucking sham for suits. Until they care about patient ratios they are totally irrelevant .
  13. Quit Job and Now Accused of Abandonment

    No- no screening. I actually placed piccs, midlines, pivs with ultrasound for hospitals, LTACs, NH, throughout the area
  14. So Happy To Be Out Of Nursing

    Can I add to the list: Layers of pencil pushing office staff Ridiculous JCHAO Certifications Endless task lists of busy work Being treated like trained monkeys Micromanagement New nurses being trained to "tell" on every...
  15. Quit Job and Now Accused of Abandonment

    I worked for a mobile vascular ultrasound access company. I quit without notice because my Mom was sick with cancer and in the hospital . We were told we had to give 30 days notice for time off. That was impossible. Along with being fat-shamed, and...