Greta Heath

Moorpark College Student

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All Content by Greta Heath

  1. Greta Heath

    Santa Ana Nursing ADN Fall 2021

    I read April, but no specific date. Good luck guys!
  2. Greta Heath

    Santa Ana Nursing ADN Fall 2021

    Nothing here.
  3. Greta Heath

    East Los Angeles College (ELAC) Fall 2021 ADN

    See above! App is submitted! Good luck guys!
  4. Greta Heath

    College of the Canyons (COC) ADN Fall 2021

    None here, my friend!
  5. Greta Heath

    East Los Angeles College (ELAC) Fall 2021 ADN

    Hey guys! Doesn’t the app open tomorrow? I am 4.0 Sciences and 78% on TEAS. I messed up and only gave myself two weeks to study. I have 51 points.
  6. Greta Heath

    SMC ADN FALL 2021

    Just heard from SBCC. Got a big NO. Hoping we hear from SMC soon! I’m surprised that no one else has found this thread!
  7. Greta Heath

    MT. SAC ADN FALL 2021

    Will do! Thank you! I have 10 other apps out. I just need ONE to say yes! ?
  8. Greta Heath

    MT. SAC ADN FALL 2021

    Did anyone take the HESI before applying? If I remember correctly, they don’t accept previous HESI scores?? If I’m right, I guess I can assume I didn’t get in. Ugh!
  9. Greta Heath

    Santa Ana Nursing ADN Fall 2021

    No clue! All the schools I’ve applied to are all over the place. Hopefully soon!
  10. Greta Heath

    Moorpark ADN Fall 2021

    Just spoke with them. All yeses have gone out! They will send out final rejection letters/emails in April. Good job! I’m waiting to hear back from 11 more schools. This is torture!!
  11. Greta Heath

    Moorpark ADN Fall 2021

    Letter or email? Or both? I haven’t received anything.
  12. Greta Heath

    College of the Canyons (COC) ADN Fall 2021

    Most schools I’ve applied to I have anywhere from 68-73 points. High grades, but no work experience. I’m a single mama of three so part of me getting in will be pure luck!! If I don’t get in this round, I’m get a job at a hospital.
  13. Greta Heath

    Boise State University Spring 2021

    Oh man! I wish I would have taken Pharm. I'm in Patho and it has already killed me. Why did I think it was a good idea to take this class while I await my fate?! Good luck to you!!
  14. Greta Heath

    Boise State University Spring 2021

    It seems like everything nursing school related feels like you are set up for failure. It's the true test!! Are you in the program now?
  15. Greta Heath

    Santa Ana Nursing ADN Fall 2021

    Hello all!! Good luck! Can't wait to hear back!
  16. Greta Heath

    Glendale Community College ADN Fall 2021

    Hi all! I've applied to the program as well! Good luck!
  17. Greta Heath

    Glendale Community College Fall 2021

    Hey there! I've applied to the Fall 2021 program as well! Good luck and let me know if you hear anything!
  18. Greta Heath

    College of the Canyons (COC) ADN Fall 2021

    Hey everyone! I'm a reapply to COC for Fall 2021. Good luck!!
  19. Greta Heath

    Boise State University Spring 2021

    Anyone apply for Fall 2021???
  20. Greta Heath

    Citrus college 2021

    I only have 58! Trying to get in by pure luck! I have all A's, but no work experience.
  21. Greta Heath

    Moorpark ADN Fall 2021

    Not bad for an old lady with three kids! I've applied to multiple(12) programs. The right one will say yes. 90 is killer!! I obsessively check all forms of communications daily. Haha. They said we could hear back as late as May. I'm sure you were a n...
  22. Greta Heath

    MT. SAC ADN FALL 2021

    Submitted back in January! Hello everyone! Has anyone heard anything?
  23. Greta Heath

    Moorpark ADN Fall 2021

    90 points! Good job! I have 70. I'm LOLing. How did you find out so early?!
  24. Greta Heath

    Moorpark ADN Fall 2021

    I only have 70 points and a lot of crossed fingers. You're good! Hey guys! Good luck to you all! I have TWELVE applications out to ADN programs in CA. Has anyone applied to SMC, MTSAC or SBCC?? I'm waiting to hear back from them this month.
  25. Greta Heath

    SBCC ADN FALL 2021

    Hello! Looking for anyone who has applied to the ADN program at Santa Barbara City College for Fall 2021. Has anyone heard back?