Abby Suh

Nursing Student

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All Content by Abby Suh

  1. Abby Suh

    COS Spring 2022 application

    I just applied today, and they said as long as my packet is postmarked the 14th they’d accept my application (I’m not a last second person but CoS wasn’t even on my radar and I was suggested to look at it last minute and realized I can still do it la...
  2. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College (FCC) - Fall 22/Spring 23

    Is anyone applying to CoS?
  3. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Congrats! Honestly I’ve been looking into schools in Tennessee and I’m likely going to pursue that, they don’t require communications or Chemistry so my prerequisites GPA there is way higher. There’s also more options, looking at 3 city colleges all ...
  4. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    If you are not post baccalaureate (which it doesn’t sound like it) unfortunately Spring of 2022 would be the soonest.
  5. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Congrats on both accounts! Yet to see anyone off the alternates list respond to this thread or on facebook, starting to wonder if alternates weren’t drawn this year.
  6. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    According to the handbook they use something called Castle Branch, not sure if that uses the same live scans like I got for being employed by the school.
  7. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College (FCC) - Fall 22/Spring 23

    Basically if I can't get into Fresno State in July, I have to for my job, relocation is part of it with COVID winding down. I hear schools in SoCal are even worse... plus I'm trying to pay out of pocket for nursing school (not financial aid because I...
  8. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Can you message me your facebook as well.
  9. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College (FCC) - Fall 22/Spring 23

    I'm in the position currently where my job is currently a "career" job, but it's not my end goal, but it'll do in the interim and the long run save me a ton of money (and quite frankly not a fan of giving money to a for profit school) avoiding a priv...
  10. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College (FCC) - Fall 22/Spring 23

    My plan is honestly to sit around and work. Next year if I’m unselected is when I’m going to start looking into other options.
  11. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College (FCC) - Fall 22/Spring 23

    My prerequisite GPA is 3.41, and cumulative is 3.45, my TEAS is 84. My GPA is horrid due to a previous bachelors and even getting all A’s in classes I needed to apply only raised my GPA .07 of a grade point.
  12. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Are you me? I also took comm a long time ago and got a C too ? it’s my only C in prerequisites
  13. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Have you applied to the RN program at Fresno State? Don't give up. I know it may take some of us much much longer to get there but doing something in the meantime until the application comes back around. I know it's discouraging year after year.. but...
  14. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Fresno state for 2nd bachelors and if not just wait until next year. After that, if I don’t get in I’m going to weigh whether or not to look at privates, move to Nashville or just give up nursing altogether and stay in the gaming industry.
  15. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    I’ve heard bad things about Gurnick. So transferring it will be a little difficult (34/50 states are compact states, California is one of the non-compact states) but looking in Nashville they have very similar requirements and it’s ve...
  16. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

  17. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College (FCC) - Fall 22/Spring 23

    I feel like they need more help or a better system or something. I know they are trying to keep it affordable but I know like Fresno State uses NursingCAS a 3rd party program to quickly get applicant stats and documents. Granted it costs money I bet,...
  18. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Congrats on your other acceptances.
  19. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College (FCC) - Fall 22/Spring 23

    I’m preparing to fly to Fresno tomorrow. Wish I was landing in my hometown with better news.
  20. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College (FCC) - Fall 22/Spring 23

    It’s possible especially this year with them doing the lotto the way did, make sure to check your email regularly just in case. But I think it’s rare and I wouldn’t give your hopes up.
  21. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    There is one for next year if you want to keep up with everyone who was unselected this year.
  22. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Same here I got a B in A&P2 because something came up and I bombed the final, got A’s in everything else. I graduated with a 3.38, I got it up to a 3.45 cumulative from prerequisites. I still have a C and a lot of B’s and Fresno State doesn’t all...
  23. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    Yes but I have a slim chance of getting in. I only have a 3.41 prerequisite GPA.
  24. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022

    They go off prerequisite GPA and not overall for the most part, and for July the standards are lower because only certain groups of people can apply versus basically anyone.
  25. Abby Suh

    Fresno City College (FCC) - Fall 22/Spring 23

    I saw, I’m so sorry.