Determined t

Determined t

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  1. Elmhurst Cohort MENP Fall 2021

    @mys2 Thanks so much!! @Zilo16 Can I ask when you applied? I didn’t know they were still interviewing.
  2. Elmhurst Cohort MENP Fall 2021

    Hello @mys2, I interviewed with Elmhurst, and got waitlisted. I interviewed with Rush haven’t received a response yet. I didn’t know John Hopkins had a program so I will be looking into that as well.
  3. Elmhurst Cohort MENP Fall 2021

    Has anyone heard from Elmhurst or any where else? If so what’s your current status? Thank you!
  4. Elmhurst Cohort MENP Fall 2021

    Thanks so much! That’s so exciting I hope they get back to me soon!
  5. Elmhurst Cohort MENP Fall 2021

    @mskorup37 Congrats! No, not yet. Will you be attending Elmhurst?
  6. Elmhurst Cohort MENP Fall 2021

    @ClimbingLife Thanks so much for replying, and congratulations for making it in the top school!
  7. Elmhurst Cohort MENP Fall 2021

    @ClimbingLife which school were you accepted too? Congratulations!
  8. Elmhurst Cohort MENP Fall 2021

    @gradentry2021Hopefully you will hear from them soon. Don’t worry. It’s still early ? Good luck!
  9. Elmhurst Cohort MENP Fall 2021

    @@t_ericawI applied the same time you did! No, it was virtually. I’m still waiting to hear back. Please let me know any updates. @gradentry2021Yes, I did. Do you have any updates?
  10. Elmhurst Cohort MENP Fall 2021

    Hi, Yes, I did.
  11. Elmhurst Cohort MENP Fall 2021

    Has anyone received admission’s for Elmhurst MENP Fall admission for 2021? Also, does anyone still have to interview?