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All Content by Mots08

  1. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Yes, they will send out denial emails.
  2. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Congrats! Dang. Those are good points. I was no where near that. LOL.
  3. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    OMG! Congrats!
  4. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Whaaaaaaa??? ?
  5. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    No but I really hope it's today!
  6. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    I'm not sure. It's my first year applying so I don't know previous stats about that. I'm actually not hopeful that I'll get in because like I said before, I lose points for not having classes completed which I think makes me less competitive but I'm ...
  7. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Every time my phone makes a sound I do!
  8. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    The last anyone heard we are supposed to know the 16th. Hopefully that is still the case and it will give you a couple of days to decide. Congrats on getting into COS.
  9. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Hahaha. Right?! I woke up this morning and was like man they are really gonna drag us to Friday aren't they?!
  10. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    I hope sooner than later!! Good luck to you and everyone else!
  11. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Nothing here either. Someone said on Tuesday that they said they were still going through evaluations so I don't think we'll hear this week.
  12. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    No, haven't received anything. I imagine it's a good thing because people who did receive emails already were disqualified. We won't know results until May 28th.
  13. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    I dislike the fact that they take points away for not having some of the GE stuff or extra courses like nutrition. Losing those points makes me less competitive even though I have good stats otherwise.
  14. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Thanks for checking. Although we have more waiting it's good to know a time-line instead of being anxious every day. Does anyone know how the process is different this year than previous years?
  15. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    I wish they gave us a date like some other schools did. It would be a lot easier to wait for a date than wondering when.
  16. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Same! I just wanna move on with my life already. LOL
  17. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Sweet! Thanks for the update!
  18. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Thanks for the Spring break update. I saw online that the break was last week until the 2nd so I was hopeful for this week but ?‍♀️ when is break over?
  19. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Hey guys! Anyone else hopeful we'll hear something this week?!
  20. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    Dang ? Sorry.
  21. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    I downloaded a copy of my submitted application.
  22. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    Oh no. I'm so sorry you guys!
  23. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    No way!! Oh man. I'm sorry.
  24. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Moving is definitely not an option for me either. City results come out the 5th, correct? I couldn't apply this round but if I don't get into West Hills or Merced, I'll apply there next Jan. Good luck to you guys!
  25. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Did you count the 10 points for your GE classes and the 15 points for the science pre-reqs? At the very end. I almost missed them when calculating.