Lauren McDonald


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All Content by Lauren McDonald

  1. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN/Accelerated BSN Summer 2022

    Hi guys! I am a part of the c/o 2022 in the ABSN program. Last year our mentors created a fb group so we can all interact and y'all can "meet" each other and meet us (the current students). They did a Jax one and a GVL one. But there were way more pe...
  2. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN/Accelerated BSN Summer 2022

    No, I just looked at the email. I was notified with the first round and that was March 10th. It was a Wednesday at 3:45 PM. That’s not the usual though for the program. Kianna was in maternity leave and Ken was handling the ABSN and BSN. They had som...
  3. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN/Accelerated BSN Summer 2022

    I didn’t get a link to any kind of assessment last year and I was accepted with the first round of emails that went out. I wouldn’t worry about it.
  4. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN/Accelerated BSN Summer 2022

    I’m not sure exactly how much it matters. I just went and looked at my score and I received an 840. That part the exam is much easier for people who already have a background jt healthcare. I have none. What’s your previous degree in? Experience? GPA...
  5. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN/Accelerated BSN Summer 2022

    I'm just starting to work now. I would not suggest working the first semester. A few people do though. If you don't have to, I wouldn't suggest it. Everyone says the 2nd semester is the hardest because we have 5 courses, but I personally thought firs...
  6. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN/Accelerated BSN Summer 2022

    Hi guys. I figured I would check this and see if there was a post. I am a current student about to finish my second semester in the ABSN program at UF (Jax). I'd be happy to help with any questions you have. Our cohort here has a lot of recent g...
  7. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    I think everything has gone pretty smoothly. The schedule is about to come out. We should be registered soon after. They’re just waiting on the clinical schedule. Ken has been emailing about once a week and he said he will be emailing much more frequ...
  8. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    Ouch. I’m sorry. That’s terrible. The deadline for accepting admittance is March 15th. According to what ----------------- has said, I would imagine that they’re waiting until after that because they may send out more acceptance emails if there are p...
  9. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    Don’t lose hope guys. I’m not sure the reasoning behind this, but they’re still going to send out more acceptance emails. My heart breaks for you all.
  10. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    Okay. I haven’t gone on and accepted it yet. Someone said it was due my March 11. I don’t even have to accept until March 15th it says in the email. I think I’ll logon today and get everything completed just in case.
  11. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    What background checking?
  12. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    I’m in facebook jail for another 18 hours. First time ever, I said someone was dumb and got suspended. ? I’ll join it tomorrow morning.
  13. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    Me too! Jacksonville. Do you guys want me to start a facebook group for our cohort?
  14. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    Yea I don’t want to keep bothering him. I know he feels bad enough. I don’t think he needs a constant reminder. ?
  15. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    I like your attitude. LOL. Has anyone communicated with ------------------ since Monday about potential progress?
  16. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    Either way, I just don’t want to see any of the wonderful applicants on here freaking out and getting anxiety over reading the comment. We’re all already anxious enough. We’re all in this together. When we’re in school, if we’re admitted, we’re all i...
  17. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    I didn’t judge her as a person, I broke down her comments in regards to the program. And that is not what she meant. Exams are during classes. Class times don’t change or overlap. She is talking about having more than one exam on the same day. It’s s...
  18. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    Nobody said dismiss, but the second post definitely discussed the issues in the program from a completely different perspective. Weighing pros and cons. Addressing accountability. It’s good for people to see both sides. I just personally do not see a...
  19. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    Without even knowing anything or being in the program, I would be more apt to listen to the second person. nursing school is hard AND we’re taking an accelerated program on top of it. when I read about exams being scheduled on the same day, I la...
  20. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    Okay guys, but this is the post that follows it: Hey guys! I am a current student in the UF accelerated program and I wanted to address the message previously posted by another student. Nursing school is HARD and incredibly frustrating, s...
  21. Lauren McDonald

    UF ABSN Summer 2021

    I agree. I’m not counting on this week either judging by the tone of the email. I feel terribly bad for --------------------. This is all out of his hands and I can tell by his tone and the fact that he came in here at 10:45 at night to update us, he...
  22. Lauren McDonald

    UF accelerated BSN 2021

    Oh man, that’s so rough. I can’t imagine. Have you gotten citizenship yet or would you still be considered international even though you’ve been here a long time? Broward has an ASN which will get you an RN. Hospitals only really want bachelors now. ...
  23. Lauren McDonald

    UF accelerated BSN 2021

    Not on the message board we can’t. We’re not even supposed to put names or anything. I’ve seen it’s gotten blocked out a few times where I’ve said Ken or Kianna. I think we can send private messages to some people. Maybe exchange contact info that wa...
  24. Lauren McDonald

    UF accelerated BSN 2021

    I feel ya. I left English until last cause it was the last one I was worried about. I started the English portion at almost midnight. That was any lowest score. I was so tired that I just started skimming the paragraphs. I had a really good study kit...
  25. Lauren McDonald

    UF accelerated BSN 2021

    I’ve heard the TEAS is harder. If I’m not accepted, I’m going to apply to UNF. Their deadline is June 15 I believe for an August start date. But that requires me to take the TEAS and to study for a whole new test. I’m not looking forward to that. I g...