
YappaYee LVN

Psychiatric Nursing

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About YappaYee

YappaYee has 6 years experience as a LVN and specializes in Psychiatric Nursing.

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  1. International College of Health Sciences

  2. International College of Health Sciences

    Thank you Sushigurl my inspiration ❤️
  3. International College of Health Sciences

    Anyways, If any of you need any other questions answered-Ill try my best to answer them for you. Lets go: November 8th, WHOOOHOOOO! I took my final this Morning! I'll let you guys know how I did, when I know ? xoxo
  4. International College of Health Sciences

    If we want to go to a school that has a pass rate of “0.00%” then that’s our choice. We don’t need a mediator to make that choice for us, but I understand some people are really concerned for our well being. Take care ☺️
  5. International College of Health Sciences

    I’m not putting words in anyone’s mouth, with 44 years experience I’m sure you know what your taking about. Have a good day ☺️
  6. International College of Health Sciences

    Write a letter stating you would like to request all 3 classes. Send it to admissions (email) they have the last say at the end of the day. Good luck!
  7. International College of Health Sciences

    Anytime! You got this!
  8. International College of Health Sciences

    It’s best if you contact an advisor in regards to the in-depth of questions. I’m just here to let you all know it’s a “legit” school and yes people are licensed in Ca. I am almost done and good luck to those of you starting November 2021!...
  9. International College of Health Sciences

    “Blue Print” is right on the nose! Don’t expect a “step by step” guide on what’s gonna be on your exams. HESI makes the exams….
  10. International College of Health Sciences

    Lessons, PowerPoints, Quizzes due every week x15 weeks. Midterm/Exam Simulations, Case Studies, Zooms, etc. There is also an exit exam!
  11. International College of Health Sciences

    Honestly it’s a lot of work, once you get into a routine it becomes 2nd nature. You can do it!
  12. International College of Health Sciences

    If you contact admissions and state that you would like to take Med Surg I and Psych along with Pharmacology, they will allow it. They don’t recommend it, but it can be done.
  13. International College of Health Sciences

    You can petition to start Med Surg along with Psych. It’s a lot but that’s what I did. You can petition to start Med Surg along withPsych. It’s a lot but that’s what I did.
  14. ICHS - 2021

    Yes, It’s basically just to show you the resources available to you during the program. It’s easy.
  15. ICHS - 2021

    I don’t understand your question. Are you talking about the orientation where you are tested on Navigation of the platform? If so then yes you’ll have guidance, meaning if you get any wrong someone will help you until you get it right. T...