
BlkPnthr ADN, BSN

Emergency Room

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About BlkPnthr

BlkPnthr has 9 years experience as a ADN, BSN and specializes in Emergency Room.

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  1. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    I got in!!! Yo I cannot believe this!
  2. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    Thank you for sharing friend. Good luck to all.
  3. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    Mine has changed as well. The wait continues...
  4. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    Hello Everyone, I hope we have all interviewed without any hiccups. Now we wait again... Good luck.
  5. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    Hello Everyone, I had my interview today. I applied to the AGACNP program and I was interviewed by a psychiatric faculty member. The interview was very chill and all the questions were behavioral in style. Best of luck to everyone and hopefully ...
  6. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    @Katie Kirrane I’m sorry to hear to hear that. Keep your head up and best of luck to you in all your endeavors.
  7. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    Hello friends, I just got an invite to schedule my interview for the MSN program. Best of luck to everyone.
  8. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    @Katie Kirrane Sorry to hear that your files got corrupted. Hopefully you were able to send them new ones. Good luck to you and everyone else.
  9. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    @freedomdawn I know right! But at least it’s the right direction. Best of luck to you.
  10. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    Congratulations Laura! Maybe we all here will get to be classmates come fall.
  11. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    @VAorthoRN I know! It’s impossible to be patient, even though you know the timeline. I hope everything works out for you.
  12. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    @Jga2003 congratulations on your admission. I don’t have the luxury of early decision so I’m just waiting. I’m not going to lie, the waiting is painful though. I hope we get to be classmates.
  13. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    From reading threads of previous intakes, it seems that decisions go out early April. Interviews are usually scheduled February through march form what I have gathered so far.
  14. Duke Fall MSN 2021

    Starting a thread for all those who applied to the fall 2021 Term at Duke. Application status: Under faculty Review.