Town & Country

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  1. Uh, yes...I know. I was in nursing school, too. I'm saying that it eventually is over, and're done. With nursing school, that is. I was being totally serious about this being a...
  2. Smoking around child w/resp. problems

    That is NOT TRUE. She might be an adult but she DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to inflict second-hand smoke, FULL OF DEADLY TOXINS, on those innocent children. That just burns me UP!!!!! My ex-husband...
  3. Professionalism in Nursing

    The most obvious answer is to treat each other like professionals. If administration wants "professional" nurses - stop treating nurses like waitresses and glorified P.R. reps. I don't think ANY...
  4. I have news about nursing instructors like that. It's merely prep for "the real world", because when you start working you are going to face nurses exactly like this. Just a heads up - develop some...
  5. How do you become a nurse recruiter?

    Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of recruiters who work for travel agencies exclusively. I don't think working for a hospital in that capacity would interest me at
  6. How do you become a nurse recruiter?

    I realize that but to my way of thinking the best ones would
  7. How do you become a nurse recruiter?

    How do you go from nursing - doing direct patient care - to being a nurse recruiter? Has anyone done this? How did you make the
  8. Nursing is 24hrs is just an expression

    Angelique777, you have expressed way better than I could ever HOPE to, just how DRAINING and pointless it is, to have to face these early-morning inquisitions! I am so tired of dealing with this...
  9. My New Nurse Wake-Up Call; Shocking Behaviors

    Loves it.
  10. Felony Conviction in TN

    Well in the first place, if the state board told you it wouldn't stand in your way, I would take their word for it over someone who is conducting CNA classes and may not even know. If the state told...
  11. Accused

    Of course my residence is a compact state, and I have a compact license. I do not have a license specific to this state....I am here under my compact license. I just wonder if anyone has...
  12. Accused

    I am - I'm going to call - I would have already except it was a Sunday. I'm concerned that this person will spread stories without knowing the facts. I guess there isn't much I can do about that!...
  13. Accused

    I need advice. Has this ever happened to anyone??? I practice nursing in a compact state, my residence is elsewhere... A reference of mine (here) emailed me to tell me that my name is in this...
  14. Daily??? Newer nurses need "stand up" help!

    She isn't your boss. Don't take orders from
  15. do you feel like the CNA's run the floor?
