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All Content by FutureNP90

  1. Samuel Merritt Fall 2023 BSN Program

    Hey! Im at the Oakland campus, I am already in the Master's portion of my program, so I am not a part of the preceptorship issues going on. I fully expected to be in the group clinical because I didn't hear back while all of my colleagues were sharin...
  2. Hey All I haven't yet seen a forum for this cohort yet and I wanted to start one! Applications are due soon and wanted to see how others are going along with the process and see if theres any advice or recommendations that anyone has. This could...
  3. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    LOL Im asking you because you mentioned it, and on this forum thread we have been trying to provide evidence based information that supports what we are all trying to express. But I guess I forget everything I learned in school and instead, I gu...
  4. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    how? Maybe I don't know much about the immune system, but how does this work? and how does this make more sense than the vaccine?
  5. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    Yeah, and I hope you didn't find me hostile, but I feel the hostility or passion (if we wanted to call it that) comes from providing evidence based and substantiated information, and still being ignored because personal "beliefs" are standing in the ...
  6. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    Just going to repost this here again, for OP, because it seems like (from what I read) you like to agree with those who prefer not to not vaccinate.
  7. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    Yeah, keep trolling. Good luck to you. Also, no, calling someone an anti-vaxxer is NOT hate speech. some people want to be oppressed so badly. get over it.
  8. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    Im not going back through all the pages to find the studies that you posted, but can you let me know if these were "Joe and Sally anti-maskers/anti-vaxers"? OR were these medical professionals at work who know that even without the vaccine, if they m...
  9. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    no one is saying that patients are stupid. just that its our responsibility as medical professionals to make sure that the right information is being circulated. NOT misinformation or disinformation.
  10. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    semantics, especially when the end result is the same. Using fear, misinformation, and disinformation to get people to do what they want. Even if its not "what they want" but you forget that fear (fear of dying, fear of injury, fear of the unknown) i...
  11. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    **my response to you is in italics above** See, heres the thing, WE are smart enough to look at information and decide whether or not this information is truthful and evidence based, and that is because we have the education that helps...
  12. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    I'm sorry, I promise I'm not trying to be rude but I'm not sure I understand your response. Who is "they" (employees? Joe and sally?)
  13. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    You would think then that someone would've reached out to you to help create a cure, right? I agree we are all different, but we cannot say each of us is unique when it comes to this pandemic. The worst part is, you don't even see the privilege...
  14. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    This is the study that the OPINION article has quoted: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.06.01.21258176v2 AND still at the end of the paper the conclusion states: Conclusions: Individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely...
  15. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    It blows my mind! At this point its willful ignorance. How can you have that much education, and no way to apply critical thinking. At this point, I don't even care about the kind of shortage that results, but we need to make sure that nurses a...
  16. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    Don't be patronizing. I actually have read all 17 pages, and STILL, I cannot find a valid reason to understand why (you think) people who have contracted covid should not be vaccinated. But what I did do (in my most recent post) is explain the litera...
  17. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    Am I reading this wrong or is the first reason sarcasm? LOL just making sure (not trying to be rude or "smart") If the first reason is sarcasm, Turkey you know you are the butt of the joke right? As @toomuchbaloney mentioned, asid...
  18. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    As I read this, I get the impression that this forum was created to find "like minds" to rally together and try to make "valid" (by valid I mean opinion based, unsubstantiated and non evidence based) points regarding not vaccinating during a pandemic...
  19. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Spring 2022

    Hey all! these emails come throughout the week, maybe a week and a half! Its just confirmation that you are not missing anything from your application and has moved to the next phase, so no worries if you didn't all get them in one day. The biggest t...
  20. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Hi! This particular thread is for the ELMSN cohort that starts in September. You're welcome to join and chat with us here! ?, but unfortunately I don't think you would find MSN-FNP classmates in this thread.
  21. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    just to go off what you mentioned here, it does seem like doing the CM first then FNP is like a round about way of going along. During the Nursing Success Seminar last year, I met someone who had applied to the FNP program a few times and were reject...
  22. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    I interviewed on the 16th and received the email this morning, I agree with @Orchid_R2D2, I hope they keep sending out responses tomorrow!
  23. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    does this help? https://www.facebook.com/groups/457617822355756/about if not search "Samuel Merritt ELMSN 2021 Oakland"
  24. Samuel Merritt University- FALL 2021 START

    this happened to me when I tried making an account earlier this year, then all of a sudden I got locked out again. I had to remake an account today
  25. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    I do think think that the response come out in waves and may go through the week, according to previous forums. In my interview, the admissions counselor did mention that the correspondences can go into the second week of April. Im not sure about whe...