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  1. Advent Health University CRNA 2022 cohort

  2. OHSU DNP CRNA 2021

  3. Advent Health University CRNA 2022 cohort

    Hey I was in the same boat last year. You will have 1-2 week cushion after hearing from the program if you need to drop and get the full refund. I wish it wasn’t so close but it’s doable
  4. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Same, got waitlisted.
  5. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Has anyone received a rejection or waitlisted email?
  6. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    One of the previous cohort threads had some getting admission emails the day after a batch had gone out. I could have sworn I heard they planned on doing them both Monday and Tuesday. I also wonder why some got phone calls and others didn’t. Here’...
  7. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Congrats! Was it a phone call or email?
  8. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Yep. I'd like to see if others were told the same thing last week.
  9. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    I was told they’d be phone calls. So I’m not sure if that was still the case or not or what they did in previous years.
  10. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    I don’t. looks like it’s just three courses in the first year that make it less impactful when you start the following year. I found this online although a few years old. Pages 38-40 kinda explains it.
  11. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Can you explain a little bit about this? I’ve heard about it in previous threads but I was wondering what type of course work you’re doing in the first year
  12. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    I got a couple clinical questions with a few others. Time flew by quick. I just felt that I didn’t answer the way I should have looking back and feel pretty bummed about it. Glad it’s over
  13. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    So glad that's over. The nerves were killing me.
  14. OHSU DNP CRNA 2021

    This is all so disappointing. I really thought I interviewed well, but I suppose not. Congrats to those who got in and here's to hoping for a waitlisted email coming our way soon.
  15. UTC CRNA 2021

    I'm glad I found this thread. You honestly had it better than I did. I waited for almost 2 hours and I received no update. It was only because my coworker who was interviewing had been told to hang out a little longer, as theirs ran behind also. ...