

Student Nurse of Anesthesiology

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About StudentRegisteredNurseofAnesthesia

StudentRegisteredNurseofAnesthesia has 8 years experience and specializes in Student Nurse of Anesthesiology.

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  1. CRNA interview questions (Midwestern University)

    Awesome! Whoever applies to MW will be very thankful for this information.
  2. Best Study for NCLEX? Cant afford.....

    Quizlet! It's FREE! Thousands of questions! You're welcome!
  3. I want to apologize to my instructor. Please help me.

    I'm curious to know what question got you so fired up? And why would your teacher cry? As for your cohort, I wouldn't worry about that. You've done all you can do by apologizing to your teacher. Hopefully, she understands and forgets about it. Otherw...
  4. Arkansas State University CRNA 2021

    Check your email. They just sent the "official" offer of acceptance to mine. Now I have to decide before the deadline...ugh!
  5. Saint Mary’s Minnesota CRNA

    I just wanted to add that it's not uncommon for some programs to only ask 2-3 questions. They have lots of people to interview, and can generally get a good feel of who you are as a person in that short amount of time. If you don't get accepted, emai...
  6. Biochemistry Degree for CRNA?

    This is hilarious! Although I wouldn't recommend this advice, it would make you an outstanding applicant OP.
  7. Missouri State University CRNA 21

    Yes, I did. I PM'd you btw. Hopefully more of our classmates will show up in here.
  8. Missouri State University CRNA 21

    Has anyone started a FB page for the 2021 cohort?
  9. UTC CRNA 2021

    Don't take it personal. They're interviewing so many applicants - It is what it is unfortunately. Look on the bright side, if you get accepted, and are from TN, you'll only pay like 40k for the whole program.
  10. Arkansas State University CRNA 2021

    No problem! Glad I can help. They just said it will be a DNP (no more MSN) cohort tentatively starting May 21. They are accepting 30 students, and there'll be 2 rounds of interviews this year.
  11. Arkansas State University CRNA 2021

    Looks like I'll be the only one sharing my interview experience ?. It was nothing but personal questions. "Describe how you study?" "Do you deal with stress in a professional manner?" "How have you prepared for this journey?" ...
  12. Arkansas State University CRNA 2021

    Had two friends do it. One did it through the Air Force, and he likes it so far. The other did the Army Reserves and regrets it. I didn't go into details with him, but he said he owes the army like 8-10 yrs if I'm not mistaken. He said it was nice to...
  13. Tired of the Fluff

    Well, what did the teacher end up letting you do? Don't leave us hanging.
  14. New to PACU (looking for tips/advice)

    I was offered a gig in the PACU unit at the VA after I graduated from nursing school. It was the chillest job ever. Sadly, I had to turn it down for an ICU gig. I wanted to go the CRNA route, and the PACU wasn't going to get me there unfortunately.
  15. From SICU to BICU and I'm so bored!

    Are you on the step-down side of the burn unit? I never got bored when I worked on the ICU side of the burn unit.