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All Content by vrobin90

  1. UMSON BSN Spring 2021

    I too got in! I’ll be at the Shady Grove location. Congrats everyone! Keep working hard if you didn’t get in this semester. Hard work always pays off!
  2. UMSON BSN Spring 2021

    At work on lunch break freaking out. When did you submit your application?
  3. UMSON BSN Spring 2021

    I got that letter earlier in the process.
  4. UMSON BSN Spring 2021

    I am only speculating but I think it had to do with covid and TEAS. Like not having enough dates to take them. Again this is only speculation.
  5. UMSON BSN Spring 2021

    I got the same email and checked my status, my application is in review. Good luck everyone! I know I will have permanent butterflies in my tummy until I find out the outcome.