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All Content by WH123

  1. UTC CRNA 2021

    Same here, just got the email! Congrats!
  2. UTC CRNA 2021

    Yes! I am still waiting and I was supposed to interview 1.5 hours ago. I haven’t heard back from the coordinator for a while either... others in the same boat I take it?
  3. National University - CRNA 2021 Start

    I got accepted as well. Would also like the link to the FB group.
  4. National University - CRNA 2021 Start

    Right ... I think that’s a given. Sorry if that question wasn’t clear. I’m not asking if the material will be spoon fed. Based on that student’s concerns In a previous comment, I’m asking if students feel on their own in the class portions, or feel...
  5. National University - CRNA 2021 Start

    @lucidc thanks for sharing your experience. It sounds like you are still reasonably happy with the program given the current situation. Can you add your thoughts on what someone said regarding students having to just read the textbook and you tubing ...