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About maplesyrup95

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  1. Kaiser NorCal New Grad Residency 2023 (Spring Cohort 5)

    You may be able to use teams on a browser but I highly recommend just downloading it to prevent issues when u are trying to share your presentation.
  2. Kaiser NorCal New Grad Residency 2023 (Spring Cohort 5)

    I think so I think the interview we got is the only place we might be chosen for
  3. Kaiser NorCal New Grad Residency 2023 (Spring Cohort 5)

    I got an east bay interview!
  4. Kaiser NorCal New Grad Residency 2023 (Spring Cohort 5)

    I cant upload anymore things on the application but I was able to yesterday. It looks like they may have stopped the ability to edit now because all I see is view submission. I would email them and maybe attach what you need to upload?
  5. Kaiser NorCal New Grad Residency 2023 (Spring Cohort 5)

    I am hoping to be placed in Oakland but at this point I'm just praying for an interview LOL its been so hard finding new grad positions in the bay area!
  6. Kaiser NorCal New Grad Residency 2023 (Spring Cohort 5)

    I am not an internal applicant and did not do any of my clinicals there or volunteer there. I got the snapshot around 11:30 today. I think it's just taking time to get to everyone but I think they should be sending out more tomorrow. I applied on the...
  7. Kaiser NorCal New Grad Residency 2023 (Spring Cohort 5)

    Im not sure if it counts but Im hoping it does. I did this one for $150. Also please let me know if it actually doesn't count LOL
  8. I got waitlisted too ?
  9. USF ME-MSN Spring 2022 (SF CA location)

    I believe it was longer than a month? I think I heard back around this time last year (Mid-Late November) that I had gotten on the waitlist and I did not get an official rejection notification until 1/29/21 on the portal. You should check to make sur...
  10. USF ME-MSN Spring 2022 (SF CA location)

    I think you would have to ask to be taken off the waitlist if you wanted to apply for the next semester. I ended up waiting until they said the cohort was full but by then the deadline to apply for the next semester had already passed.
  11. Oh OK thank you! I hope we all get good news! This is gonna be my second time applying. I got waitlisted for the Sf campus last year. I hope I’m able to get this time to the OC campus. Sending everybody good vibes!
  12. Does anyone have an idea of when we might hear back from them? And also if anyone reapplied for this application cycle, was your application fee waived?
  13. SFSU ELMSN 2021 Application

    Just got my rejection ? Good luck to everyone on their journey.
  14. SFSU ELMSN 2021 Application

    LOL yeah but at least we can move on and work on making our applications even better! I wish they wouldn’t make us wait until mid April to give us the rejection letter.
  15. SFSU ELMSN 2021 Application

    Congrats! Thank you for letting us know!