Ebelin Santamaria ADN, BSN

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All Content by Ebelin Santamaria

  1. Ebelin Santamaria

    Mount Saint Mary's University, ADN Fall 2019

    Hello, I will be starting the ADN program this fall. Is it necessary to buy the textbook bundle for semester 1?
  2. Ebelin Santamaria

    Mount St. Mary’s University MSMU ABSN Summer 2020

    Hello, I will be starting the ADN program this fall. Is it necessary to buy the textbook bundle for semester 1?
  3. Ebelin Santamaria

    Mount Saint Mary's University - Summer 2020 - ABSN

    Hello, I will be starting the ADN program this fall. Is it necessary to buy the textbook bundle for semester 1?
  4. Ebelin Santamaria

    Mount St Marys University BSN Fall 2019

    Hello, Is it necessary to buy the textbook bundle for semester 1?