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All Content by BB123

  1. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    I did get it done. I was thinking the same, I wasn't sure how to budget time for the respective questions and spent much less time on the second two. Guess we will at least know something in a month or so...
  2. UCLA MECN 2021

    How is it thus far? Would love to hear about your experience!
  3. UCI MEPN 2021

    Feels anticlimactic applying to other programs frantically only to wait another 2 months before UCI is due, but excited nonetheless.
  4. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    I know, a little odd. Youtube seems like a good idea, then I can see when people have viewed it and further fuel my anxiety about this process LOL. I guess they send us some prompts/questions and we have to talk interview style and record and submit ...
  5. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    Agreed, seems odd. What are you using to upload the video to? Also I recall them saying no interview (not that Im complaining).
  6. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    Oh cool, I got the interview email too, seems a bit oddly formatted. Also have courses in progress, we shall see. Sounds like we should be finding out in December which is by far the earliest of the programs I am applying to. But yea, fingers crossed...
  7. UCLA MECN 2021

    Just submitted! Best of luck to us all!!
  8. UCLA MECN 2021

    Thats a good question, what I have been reading seems to indicate 10 years, or the last 5 positions.
  9. ASU MEPN 2019

    For this program is there any aid/scholarship money or is the cost essentially "sticker price"
  10. UCLA MECN 2021

    Hi folks, looks like the app is now open! Happy Friday
  11. UCI MEPN 2021

    Super impressive, sounds like you will be a really strong applicant! My background is in mental health, have worked in the field for around 12 years, and hoping to pursue psych nursing. My science prereqs are not so great, so far have Bs in AP1 and C...
  12. UCLA MECN 2021

    Applying in fall. Like others I have no experience to show in nursing per se. I have worked in mental health field (the area of nursing practice I am pursuing) for ~12 years, so hoping that counts for something and perhaps offsets my less than perfec...
  13. Vanderbilt Pre-Specialty Entry 2021

    Hey all! Planning to apply for the PMHNP program. Thanks for starting the thread. Looking forward to commiserating for at least the next few months here...