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All Content by BB123

  1. UCLA MECN 2021

    Has anyone spoken to the department recently? I asked (MODERATOR EDIT OF NAME) about a month ago and he said most likely first 2 weeks feb, but for sure by end of month. Curious if this is still what we can expect.
  2. UCLA MECN 2021

    Will this be the week my hopes and dreams are brutally crushed?!?
  3. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    OMG! Congrats that is super exciting! Was it like an email to login or a direct email? The way they are rolling these out is brutal LOL
  4. UCLA MECN 2021

    This is definitely grueling, congrats to those already admitted elsewhere! I feel like even if it costs $500 it would be nice peace of mind, and kind of regret not applying to more programs.
  5. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    Aaaannnnnnd another one down!
  6. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    Another week of waiting down...
  7. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    Totally, I guess as long as no one is posting they got in yet though there is some hope things could still happen for us (hopefully in a timely manner).
  8. UCLA MECN 2021

    I don't necessarily think so. This email was specifically for people who had classes in progress to let us know they updated with our grades that had posted.
  9. UCLA MECN 2021

    In the email it says end of February, but it seems as though it could be within the first few weeks of February from what I see in past threads..
  10. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    Super confusing and frustrating. I am not sure that it means that people are being admitted, going to ask for more clarity on this. It seems so odd to set a date just to notify us they have updated our files...
  11. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    WHAAAT????? Such a misleading email from them about the update.
  12. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    It's awful. This is potentially the first program I would hear back from. Would be amazing to know I was in! Fingers crossed for us!
  13. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    Nope, but I think today it is possible that people could start to hear back. It is a bit confusing how they do things, I think it's in waves, but she also said just because you don't hear doesn't mean you won't end up being accepted. So in theory she...
  14. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    I deleted too but it says something like, they are reviewing applications this week and you will be update of status, but should not expect to hear back before Jan 8th.
  15. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    I know, fingers crossed!
  16. UCI MEPN 2021

    Not that I heard about. I am around 600-800 each with some edits left to do, and don't anticipate coming anywhere close to 1200 words. I think if we have quality impactful statements length is secondary.
  17. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    Yep, it's a bummer, but still probably the earliest decision of all the programs I am applying to. Hope it is a positive outcome! Just a couple more weeks now...
  18. UCLA MECN 2021

    I was so hoping it might be on the earlier side of February, guess we shall see!
  19. UCI MEPN 2021

    Going to be a LOOOOONG wait between now and Feb/March when decisions come out...
  20. APU ELM MSN Fall 2021

    Will be keeping good thoughts for you to get bumped to Spring or Fall!
  21. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    So apparently they expect to begin initial notifications in January, but also stated that just because you don't hear then doesn't mean you are rejected. It sounds like some sort of tiered acceptance situation, she mentioned they accepted someone for...
  22. APU ELM MSN Fall 2021

    Just to clarify, acceptance for Summer 2022, as in 2 terms after you applied? Heard in the past it was possible to be offered acceptance into a cohort before or after you applied, but figured it would be one term either way.
  23. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    Fingers crossed we hear something soon!!
  24. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    Same...and still waiting to hear back about a potential prerequisite course which I need to register for. Stressful times!
  25. ASU Direct Entry MSN

    Do you happen to remember when they said they would be making decisions? I vaguely recall December, but could be confusing with another program...