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All Content by jtagtarap

  1. I got an email with an attached letter. I didn’t have the video interview ?
  2. Hi everyone, Just received my decision for the program and sadly, I didn’t get in. I wish everyone good luck!
  3. I live 20 minutes away from Northridge. Lived in the valley all my life and my friends went to CSUN for undergrad.
  4. I didn’t get the email for the video interview but I’m still hoping that good news come next month. We have to keep being patient and hope for the best! We got this!
  5. Thank you so much for calling them and giving us a heads up. This gives me so much hope. I hope we all get the good news.
  6. I didn’t get the email as well. I’m feeling discouraged because I thought I had good stats but I guess it’s because its so impacted. Wishing all of us luck still!
  7. Hi everyone, I submitted my application for CSUN's ABSN Spring 2021 today. I am so nervous because I am eager to get into this program. On the plus side, I've been living in the valley all my life. Wishing all of us luck!