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About icuer

icuer has 7 years experience and specializes in ICU.

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  1. Boston College CRNA Spring 2021, anyone applying?

    I myself am still waiting for an interview as well. Remaining hopeful ? best of luck !
  2. Boston College CRNA Spring 2021, anyone applying?

    thanks so much for the update !!
  3. Boston College CRNA Spring 2021, anyone applying?

    Yes in regards to interviews . I myself am still waiting to hear back . Anyone else on the same ship ? Aside from that hope , I hope everyone who has interviewed much success :)!
  4. Boston College CRNA Spring 2021, anyone applying?

    Anyone hear anything on interviews?
  5. Boston College CRNA Spring 2021, anyone applying?

    I called and they said we could be waiting to hear back even all the way till the end of aug. have you heard anything for those of us still waiting ?
  6. Boston College CRNA Spring 2021, anyone applying?

    Anyone still waiting on an opportunity to interview or just me LOL ?
  7. Boston College CRNA Spring 2021, anyone applying?

    good luck to you all!! I am still waiting to hear back for an interview! I was told that they had more applicants than usual and that they were conducting them in alphabetical order by last name. Hopeful that I can still at least get an interview. Wo...