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All Content by Lizzypooh

  1. ever notice that

    my word, do you work at the same hospital as me? that so just happened...
  2. Need Advise sewing on school patch...

    i used magnets to hold my badge on! I glued a magnet on the back of the badge, then stuck a magnet to it, with my shirt sleeve inbetween. (makes sense?) Well anyways now i can wear the badge with any shirt i want and take it off for the wash. Plu...
  3. Bed bath hell

    For our return dem of bedbaths we actually gave a bb to a partner (in shorts and a t-shirt). And as it turned out, 4 of us went at one time while the teacher just watched us all. That made it a little less stressful. Also it helped to do a little ...
  4. An actual 1955 Good Housekeeping article

    man, if i had spent all day, and even parts of yesterday, preparing a nice meal for my husband, and he didn't even come HOME that night... i would be some pee'd off..
  5. Backpack question.

    I have a rolling bag, and for the days that my load was somewhat lighter, i just pulled out the straps and wore it as a normal backpack. Sure it looks a tad big on my back... but it beats buying a new bag
  6. Best rolling book bag?

    Last semester i bought a bright pink jansport rolly bag from It's absolutly wonderful. it's a tad big looking when i wear it on my back, and it's not as comfortable as my obus forme back pack, however when things get heavy, i just wheel ...
  7. what are your silly jingles...?

    i have memorized that entire song. and honestly, it's helped me on more than one occasion. i never get the tri and bi cuspid valves mixed up :) all the kids in my class thought i was a nut, but i was a nut who ended up with an a+ in a&p
  8. Why RPN and not LPn?

    5 semsters long? Just out of curiosity, what school are you at? I'm an RPN student at conestoga and i'm only 4 semesters
  9. Question about applications

    The hospital that i work at as a housekeeper is implementing a no smoking in public places policy. That includes the smoking hut! Now, i'm a non-smoker, so i know that if i don't want second hand smoke i should STAY THE HECK OUT OF THE SMOKING HUT! ...
  10. Ontario Gov. Promises New Grads full-time jobs

    I'm a Pn student as well.. and from what *i* gather, this "garentee" does include us. Now the one article that i read had said something to the effect of "it may not be the full-time you want, but it'll be a full-time job"....
  11. uniforms

    Admin lets everyone wear scrubs so it looks like there are more nurses then there actually are!
  12. What do you carry your books in?

    i finally broke down and bought a rolling back pack.. it's been wonderful. i'll be the only one without scoliosis i got mine from
  13. Taking Blood Pressure

    If you don't have the cuff inflated at all, you won't *hear* anything from the bracheal pulse.. as somebody said above me, have the person hyperextend their elbow as much as possible then just start in the middle and move your way out. Although when ...
  14. muscle test

    What i find helps me to learn bones and muscles, is to find them on my body and say the names over and over.... then slowly eliminate the ones you know, and focus on the ones you don't.
  15. Word Processor

    That is exactly what i was thinking when i read the OP. I haven't used it myself, but i have looked into open office and it seems pretty spiffy. Or another option is you could get chummy with one of the computer geeks at school and he (or she) may h...
  16. taking classes with the nursing classes

    We kids up here in canada are lucky in that we don't need any of these pre reqs you guys are always talking and stressing about. But then again, we have to take all the courses together. Personally i like it this way because everything ties together ...
  17. Cost of LPN school these days?

    Holy mackeral! At our college, and most others in the province, tuition is about 1300/semester, and there are 4 of them. That's 5200 for tuition for 2 years. Now take on all the extras, supplies, uniforms, gas ect you *may* hit $8000... and mind y...
  18. cheap littmann stethoscope

    Well, i got my littman classic se II through the hospital and it cost around 80 dollars CAN
  19. I also live in Ontario, and this strike just sucks. I'm a first year RPN student and our classes just started in February, so i was just getting into the swing of things, and bam, strike. And to boot, my new backpack just arrived and i have no wher...
  20. Which answer would you pick?

    Oh my goodness! i *just* read that section of that book while doing homework, well except ours is called "fundamentals of CANADIAN nursing".. however, i still think number 1 is the correct answer.
  21. Which answer would you pick?

    I would go with number 1. Because saying that she has "concerns" is like saying nursing school has a "bit" of homework. You don't want to minimize her feelings. (although, if i was in the postion, i would probably say "can you tell me what your f...
  22. Requirement for nursing school?

    Well, i'm up here in Canada, so things may be different but when we pay our tutition we automatically get health benifits, however you can get a rebate on what you paid in your tutition if you prove that you have benifits elsewhere, work, spouse, par...
  23. Mcmaster Conestoga BSN prgram

    i'm not in the RN program, but i am starting the RPN program at Conestoga at the begining of february (9 days away actually) :) i am so very excited
  24. I love nursing in Canada because...

    Here, RPNs go to school for 2 years, and RNs go for 4 years. And around here rpns start at around 18 dollars an hour (Canadian). And i'm not sure which province is the overall warmest.. possibly BC, their winters aren't as cold; but here in southern ...
  25. Where are you?

    I'm in Southern Ontario and i start Nursing School in 10 days (not that i'm counting or anything )