Krystal Brown BSN, RN

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  1. Krystal Brown

    Passed NCLEX 66 Questions

    I passed NCLEX in 66 questions. I was confident that I had passed. I used Kaplan to prepare and I also took the Nurse Achieve CAT exams and passed them. After my exam I did the PVT and got the good pop up.
  2. Krystal Brown

    Passed NCLEX in 60 using Kaplan ONLY!

    I just want to say thank you for this post! I've been using Kaplan and my scores are sometimes discouraging.... I used the promo code you provided and did the mock exam and it stopped at 61 questions! I passed, now I feel much more confident to take ...
  3. Krystal Brown

    NCLEX after 15 years of graduation

    Sorry I don't know.
  4. Krystal Brown

    NCLEX after 15 years of graduation

    I just graduated nursing school and I'm currently doing a Kaplan review course. I would also recommend the Saunders NCLEX review book. I'm sure you will want to review some content. Good Luck!
  5. Krystal Brown

    Kaplan for NCLEX

    I start Kaplan next week! I read in the book you want to aim for 60-65%. I failed my first CAT exam. Hoping to improve. Please keep me updated on your progress.
  6. I'm in NJ. We had to take fingerprints for both. My NCLEX is scheduled for July. Oh btw I graduated 5/1. Thank you !
  7. April 14th I submitted my application. May 6th I did my fingerprints and May 11th got my ATT.