Amy Cate

Amy Cate


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About Amy Cate

Amy Cate has 10 years experience and specializes in BSN.

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  1. No. They are like nursing theory, and the role of advanced degrees in nursing. There is no reason why they should be primarily discussion based but they
  2. Yes, I really prefer classes that are more scientific as in reading and test taking instead of this one which is focused more on researching and discussions. I am pretty sure that a lot of the...
  3. I have a question. The online FNP program that I signed up for is heavy into the writing, discussion, side and low in the reading/quiz taking. I am okay with one discussion a week but two per week...
  4. United States University (USU) FNP

    I am just starting this program and not completely sure it is the one I want. Are most of the classes discussion based or quiz-based? I prefer a quiz based format and have found that this is a lot...
  5. ECPI University MSN-FNP

    WOW!. Thank you. I thought they had a program that assisted with practicum placement. I guess that is not the case....that is really why I chose it. So most of it is writing? Any suggestions on...
  6. United States University (USU) FNP

    I have questions about this school as well. The course work. Is it primarily discussion-based, or quiz based? Any ideas on which schools have more quiz based
  7. ECPI University MSN-FNP

    I am currently in another fnp program which is a lot of writing so far which I do not like. I prefer courses that have more of an emphasis on quizzes, tests, etc. Any