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About hhudson

hhudson specializes in NICU.

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  1. I know that interviews were completed within the last few
  2. It was this afternoon. It is surprisingly an in person interview. I hope you hear something. Best of
  3. I just got a call to schedule an interview
  4. I know someone who got a call last Thursday for a meet and greet. I personally have not heard anything from the NICU. Hoping to hear something this week! Fingers
  5. CHOC Children's RN Residency August 2020

    Did they call or email? And what
  6. CHOC Children's RN Residency August 2020

    Hello! I applied to NICU. Do any of you guys have a contact email for who handles the RN residency applications? I have obtained my RN license since submitting my application. Thanks! Best of luck to...
  7. Mine was forwarded to the hiring manager today for the
  8. Yay! I am so glad this forum was created! I applied for the NICU and patiently (not so patiently) waiting to hear back! Good luck