Christina Hathaway

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About Christina Hathaway

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  1. Christina Hathaway

    Fresno City College Fall 2020/Spring 2021

    You just go on facebook and search Fresno City College Nursing Students Fall2020/SP 2021 and request to join!
  2. Christina Hathaway

    Fresno City College Fall 2020/Spring 2021

    I created a facebook group named Fresno City College Nursing Students Fall2020/SP 2021 for all of us to join!
  3. Christina Hathaway

    Fresno City College Fall 2020/Spring 2021

    I just created a group and hopefully more members will see but the group name is Fresno City College Nursing Students Fall2020/SP 2021.
  4. Christina Hathaway

    Fresno City College Fall 2020/Spring 2021

    For everyone that was accepted, first of all CONGRATS! and for those who weren't accepted, don't give up! It'll happen! For those accepted, we should start a private facebook group or something for support and questions, afterall we will be working w...
  5. Christina Hathaway

    Fresno City College Fall 2020/Spring 2021

    They just emailed everyone personally to let them know if they were selected due to the technical difficulties.
  6. Christina Hathaway

    Fresno City College Fall 2020/Spring 2021

    Thank you! Best of luck to you.
  7. Christina Hathaway

    Fresno City College Fall 2020/Spring 2021

    If it says selectedFA20 does that mean you were accepted into the program?