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All Content by guest1146168

  1. Is the Coronavirus beginning the breakdown of our society?

    Happens when you reduce your revenue intake and "only the little people pay taxes". Also, not to get b/p up too high, but these numbers are before we just spent another 4 trillion sending Americans a 1200 check (which I was suspect more intended to...
  2. Why not quarantine McDonald's and ban soda pop?

    I think the idea was to flatten the curve and offer time to develop a vaccine.. The only fly in the ointment is that a vaccine is still a long ways away, as are definitive treatments , advanced retrospective analysis of high volumes of cases. we do...
  3. How to properly inject your lungs with Lysol

    Lysol-Gate. I swear, you just can't make this stuff up. ::facepalm::
  4. Will there be more outpatient jobs after this is over?

    if you're perseverant you should be able to find one. remember nothing comes easy anymore for most people.
  5. So sorry you had this experience early in your career . My two cents: You would hardly be the first one to decide bedside nursing wasn't your cup of tea. As others have pointed out your education /experience is valuable in an entire host of other set...
  6. Why not quarantine McDonald's and ban soda pop?

    It's quite rich that people who are off in other threads insisting that even as the national infection approaches 1m confirmed cases and the death toll approaches 55k with no end in site, no discussion can be allowed about the Trump Administrations ...
  7. Some nurses are performing janitor duties in their hospitals because of Coronavirus

    Exactly right. These people likely have children and homes they own (and quite possibly are staring at an underwater mortgage in the near future). Picking up and going somewhere else is easy if you're single and renting. Otherwise not so much.
  8. LTC Residents and Workers Face Tragedy

    This was very hard to read, but as others have indicated, no surprise to any of us familiar with LTC facilities which are understaffed, under resourced and weakly regulated (or at least the enforcement of the regulations).
  9. Why not quarantine McDonald's and ban soda pop?

    I don't know about that and as he's told us, he's so obviously " the healthiest president ever!!"... Still, by the looks of things, it might do him some good to curb his McDonald's intake.
  10. Nursing Homes. The bodies are just pilling up.

    actually they most certainly have throughout this thread with one person ever referring to them as just being stored until they passed, as if they were an inconvenient societal nuisance. another person implied only the elderly in institutions with f...
  11. Understandable, it is frustrating. as nurses we inherently want to fix things and it's particularly difficult when we can't. I possibly mentally recited the Serenity Prayer hundreds of times with my own aging parent over the years and feel sure I m...
  12. Nursing Homes. The bodies are just pilling up.

    Hey, just so long as you got a smile out of it. We can all use them in these times.
  13. Nursing Homes. The bodies are just pilling up.

    Agreed. I was referring to the defenders of the caravans of mouth breathers who have descended on state halls and city centers across the country to call the Governors who have been working tirelessly to save lives "Nazis" and otherwise do the biddi...
  14. Is the Coronavirus beginning the breakdown of our society?

    It does to me and I know I keep harping on the wet markets, but this is at least the THIRD lethal virus to come out of there and the most contagious by far, there is no reason to believe it is the last whatsoever. Even the Chinese government has fina...
  15. Nursing Homes. The bodies are just pilling up.

    Thank you for better expressing my own reaction. It is a Faustian Bargain at best to be willing to sacrifice your seniors along with other institutionalized populations prisons to psych wards and effectively anyone 39 and over who has so much as hyp...
  16. Movement to Forgive Health Care Workers' Student Debt

    Ha. They're welcome to pay off my debts too, tho so far no takers. At minimum, 2 year community colleges for trade degrees, including but not limited to medical, should be free of charge. That's not a particular expensive feat and would more than pa...
  17. Is the Coronavirus beginning the breakdown of our society?

    also one of the major networks, whose primary demographic is the highest risk population we have (older folks with medical conditions) was actively convincing their viewers it was all just another hoax - all the way up to about the 3rd week of Mar...
  18. Is the Coronavirus beginning the breakdown of our society?

    Actually at least 70% of the US debt is American owned with the remaining approximately 30% foreign - with China and Japan at top followed by Ireland. This easily verifiable on the US Treasury website or the Statistical Abstract of the United States.
  19. Is the Coronavirus beginning the breakdown of our society?

    right but even acknowledging I can give as good as anyone when a partisan food fight erupts, the honest question is this. is anyone really doing what you are charging OR could it be the person at the helm of the Federal Response and Resources happens...
  20. Is the Coronavirus beginning the breakdown of our society?

    Well, she isn't in charge and she's been a private citizen since 2015. Last I looked it's 2020 so there's no reason to even bring her name up in discussion of anything that's happened since and the only time it seems to come up is when the far right ...
  21. Is the Coronavirus beginning the breakdown of our society?

    Oh, come now. No, it isn't hardly. And I suspect what really irks him or her is that s/he is unable to EVER say anything regardless how factually accurate without two or three of you melting down and turning it into a food fight.
  22. Is the Coronavirus beginning the breakdown of our society?

    Indeed. left facebook some time ago for these reasons exactly.
  23. Is the Coronavirus beginning the breakdown of our society?

    You probably won't believe this, but I never wanted to make it "about" Trump. An honest assessment of what happened to get us here , and what needs to be done to get us out that we aren't addressing is impossible if we can't acknowledge the failures...
  24. Is the Coronavirus beginning the breakdown of our society?

    I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it. I wouldn't use the Daily Mail for toilet paper, but the Fortune opinion cited a scientist discussing an old concern that that a virus *could jump out of a lab rather than providing any evidence it did. Throw ...
  25. Is the Coronavirus beginning the breakdown of our society?

    I don't want it to either, at least not for the partisan joy of dinging one party or the other for the sake of doing so , but I'm also not going to dance around the hard facts because it upsets some hyperpartisan who can't handle any criticism of the...