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All Content by guest1146168

  1. How to properly inject your lungs with Lysol

    Seems the swamp was drained and pumped it right into every cabinet
  2. I would have to see the contract. They are entitled to use the legal system as much as anyone else if there was a Breach of Contract by the Agency or an entity acting as an agent on their behalf as defined by Contract Law.
  3. The virus really doesn't care, right? Comparing SARS-COV 2 to HIV and SARS-COV 1 is applies and oranges. HIV was easy to avoid as infection required introduction into the blood stream (ie, sexual relations, needle sharing, transfusions before bloo...
  4. Unfortunate, but not so surprising. I've suspected this for some time based on my own anecdotal experience, albeit, which combined with following published findings from China, Malaysia and South Korea, let's just say my spider sense was tingling...
  5. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    I'm just not going to get into it comparing CNN to a Twitter feed. The role of Dr. Fauci, a long established expert in Infectious Disease, is in fact the Clinical/Public Health dimension and to make Public Health safety recommendations. To your un...
  6. Nursing Homes. The bodies are just pilling up.

    Yes, she has and if that was her intent than I apologize to her for misunderstanding what she meant by Obamacare end of life mandate. ( I probably would have said the End of life Planning provision option provided by the Affordable Care Act. But that...
  7. Nursing Homes. The bodies are just pilling up.

    My issue was with a provision for a paid visit with providers to prepare Advanced Directives and end of care documents was being represented as an End of Life "mandate" which is false.
  8. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    I agree with all of that in theory. It's when the President of the USA is encouraging it by tweeting to "LIBERATE" from supposed tyrannical Governors (naturally, directed entirely toward Democratic Governors in battleground states) from his own es...
  9. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    don't know what they expect and I suspect it may vary some person to person. But overall I suspect it's attention and political power. The far right , not so much unlike the far left, thrives on "owning" the majority and shoving their demand list ...
  10. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    Fair enough and I am happy to, and have been, open to the idea that there are some independent minded protestors participating It's also a mere Google away to find out the groups who are organizing them as well. I realize some of this was egged o...
  11. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    I am sure there are people there who are not organized and may genuinely agree with the protestors. Nonetheless, that plenty of it is in fact politically organized is easily verifiable if one cares to look.
  12. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    I agree with you. It has certainly been less than enjoyable to have to regularly dredge through messages chock full of personal attack/accusations/censorship demands each time someone has to read something that may possibly run counter to some stron...
  13. Nursing Homes. The bodies are just pilling up.

    Better question for the Lt. Governor of Texas and crowd who say 70 and over should fend for themselves ....rather than muck things up by having to ask their big donors to pay for any of the corvid fall out. (there, fixed it for him, see?) Paraphra...
  14. Nursing Homes. The bodies are just pilling up.

    No doubt. And yes, I've been to lots of them and those dementia/ALS wings are depressing as heck (though I don't think the life expectancy of someone in full blown dementia is all that long, right?) OTOH there are plenty of people in LTC who have me...
  15. How to properly inject your lungs with Lysol

    Maybe if the buyers are willing to send the distillery their grandmothers' Mason Jar and Depression Era glass collection to pour it in. I understand the Chinese plastic bottle supply chain has malfunctioned.
  16. How to properly inject your lungs with Lysol

    Our first clue might have been when he chose a labradoodle breeder to lead the national Health and Human Services response to the Coronavirus. (Who does he think he is anyway, Jared Kushner?) You just can NOT make this stuff up.
  17. Unprofessional Conduct Online

    Unfriend stat. Remember that old adage "show me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are"? People, even employers look at who you're connected to. You really don't need to be connected to someone who demonstrates a lack of judgement of t...
  18. Nursing Homes. The bodies are just pilling up.

    In other words an optional and sensible provision rather than an "end of life mandate". Thank you for the facts. How very refreshing.
  19. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    Well said. Pretty sad when even our own peers are so polarized they're going to stand with mangey protestors over best practice and their own peers. As for the protestors, yes, it's political and it is being organized by far right groups . that's b...
  20. How to properly inject your lungs with Lysol

    It's off in a black hole with the hand sanitizer and toilet paper.
  21. Nursing Homes. The bodies are just pilling up.

    If I recall correctly, he was among the Outrage Crowd back during the Terry Schiavo debacle insisting that her husband had no right to terminate life control on her after she'd been in a coma and vegetative state for almost 3 years. The hypocrisy ju...
  22. I think so too and I suspect so does the Navy as it's being headlined that they recommended reinstating him. Then again, maybe they were worried of mutiny. A full 26 carriers now have infections on it making the Navy ships something like nursing hom...
  23. ... we don't care... about nurses.

    In actuality, much like the demagogues that give them their marching orders from their protected mansions, they have no respect or consideration for ANYONE. Least of all the health care professionals who are on the front lines. If they want to work ...
  24. Large Collection of (Mostly) PPE Related Resources from 3M

    Very helpful. Thx.
  25. Is the Coronavirus beginning the breakdown of our society?

    Don't even get me started.