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All Content by guest1146168

  1. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    This. Exactly. The first amendment is the right to assemble *peacefully* in public places. There have always been limits on this, implied as in PUBLIC places (you don't get to block hospitals), PEACEFUL (as in leave your hunting rifle at home) As t...
  2. How to properly inject your lungs with Lysol

    Oh, clearly that's all it is.
  3. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    Data itself doesn't point to anything. It has to be analyzed and crunched and with CORVID the models are complex. Where is the death rate small in your book? I'm still seeing 5-10% pct fatalities pretty consistently. Did you have a citation to thi...
  4. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    Hope springs eternal Ispose' ?
  5. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    I'm beginning to think we are on different planets breathing air of a different atomic composition.... Approx. 1/3 of the US population is 50 and over last I knew. Now consider in people under 50 with asthma, hypertension, obesity and other high ris...
  6. COVID-19 and extinction of human species

    True, and in a sane functioning country that wasn't so polarized we would be able to enact sensible legislation for public health and direct resources toward food deserts without the regular parade of demagogues out on AM radio and a certain cable n...
  7. If we have to wait for WHO or anyone else to deliver it in third grade PPT format on a silver platter and force them to take it seriously, we were already in deep deep stuff. I suggest there's a whole lot of evidence that points to the larger probl...
  8. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters

    Sweden hit a daily high of deaths just under 200 this week. In a country with a population of less than the NY metro area, I'm not sure I'd consider that a smashing success. It's certainly substantively higher than it is in any of their neighboring ...
  9. My thoughts exactly.
  10. How to properly inject your lungs with Lysol

    Except, the supposed "gaffe" was by the President of the United States on National Television in a Pandemic Response Information Briefing and there are reports of deaths coming in across the country that people have actually injected themselves with...
  11. I didn't say he got reports in November, I said, and provided earlier citations that the Administration was getting live data dumps from WHO via American CDC personnel within the organization. A competent Administration would have been on top of th...
  12. The medical community of China, with all their whopping 3 month advantage, has actually been quite cooperative in publishing and sharing their medical findings ranging from CT studies of patients to emerging evidence of re-infection or latency. If t...
  13. That "Fauci guy" biography: Excerpt: Anthony Stephen Fauci ( /ˈfaʊtʃi/; born December 24, 1940) is an American physician and immunologist who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy...
  14. As STEMI folks say "If you think reality is a harsh mistress, try denial".
  15. He got direct data dumps from Americans from the CDC working from WHO as far back and November. An entire host of credible documentation attesting to both Azar and Navarro warning him with models as to exactly how devastating this could be in Decemb...
  16. Well, that Is exactly what happened, though the blame WHO effort seems to be running out of steam and Alex Azar seems to be the next smoke bomb. Again, no fan of Azar's at all, but then again last I looked the Secretary of Health and Human Services ...
  17. How to properly inject your lungs with Lysol

    Well, it looks like he's gone now as the headlines now are the WH is going to replace him. Given that will be the 3rd HHS in < 3 years and the way appointed heads of every Cabinet come and go as if Houdini were POTUS, not really all that surpris...
  18. How to properly inject your lungs with Lysol

    Guardian reporting on source of beach cure.?‍♀️
  19. Why not quarantine McDonald's and ban soda pop?

    I guess we could ask the Hedge Fund Club and Inherited Wealth folks to cough up their first tax dollar since Bill Clinton was President (incidentally the last time we saw a national surplus instead of deficit) but then again, that would probably be...
  20. Agree. Need to know the prevalence zip code by zip code and have the infrastructure in place for the testing AND for the tracing and containment. You don't drive blindfolded without GPS and you don't play Russian roulette with Daddy's pistol if yo...
  21. We've been through this already. POTUS received info via Americans from the CDC working within WHO last November, from HHS Azar in December, from Navarro in Jan, etc. Easily verifiable and citations have been provided over and over. This along wit...
  22. SARS rapidly spread to over 2 dozen countries including the USA. W. Bush, as the POTUS was lead of the national response to contain it within our borders and he did that remarkably well, which you can do when you fill your cabinets with highly compe...
  23. Should I go back to bedside to help COVID-19 patients?

    It's commendable that you what to help but I think it's a decision only you can make. I assume you've no health contraindications to be concerned with if you're exposed, correct?
  24. I hate the politics in nursing

    If it's any consolation, effectively everyone participating here will be working to they drop if they're not already retired. At least you'll have lots of company.
  25. Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters
