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All Content by NurseRob

  1. MJC allnurses 2021

    Columbia in the Fall!
  2. Modesto Junior College Fall 2021

    How do you know by 7/10? Did you email?
  3. Modesto Junior College Fall 2021

    Okay thanks.
  4. Modesto Junior College Fall 2021

    How long ago did you email? This wait is insanely long.
  5. Modesto Junior College Fall 2021

    Yeah considering the point cut off was about 78 last application period I would say 80 is competitive. Maybe not flying colors but definitely looking really good.
  6. Modesto Junior College Fall 2021

    I am not sure, did not apply last year.
  7. Modesto Junior College Fall 2021

    Columbia with 79. You? And I have no clue when. Crazy we haven’t heard anything yet.
  8. Modesto Junior College Fall 2021

    I’m not sure about disqualification but it should have all been done electronically and sent through ATI website to MJC
  9. Modesto Junior College Fall 2021

    What do you mean in the envelope? The application was online.
  10. COS Visalia Fall 2021 applicants

    It is totally possible! Just depends on how many turn down the spot. I’m still anxiously waiting for mine! How many points did you have?
  11. COS Visalia Fall 2021 applicants

    Congrats!! How many points did you have?
  12. COS Visalia Fall 2021 applicants

    Makes sense. 4 isn’t bad I think you’re in good shape!
  13. COS Visalia Fall 2021 applicants

    You are an alternate with 78 points? I saw your last post where you said your score. How did someone with 74 get in but you didn’t?
  14. MJC allnurses 2021

    I applied to Columbia campus with 79 Applied there since I have Lower points. Any other Columbia appliers out there!? LOL you’ll get in at MJC with 90 no problem.
  15. MJC allnurses 2021

    I emailed them about that when I applied and they just said “trust the system” LOL dang 600 apps that is a lot! How many points did you apply with?
  16. COS Visalia Fall 2021 applicants

    COS is solely off points. They factor in your level of education with points. It looks and sounds like if you have 70+ points you’re in good shape. How many points to you have?
  17. COS Visalia Fall 2021 applicants

    How many points did you apply with?
  18. COS Visalia Fall 2021 applicants

    Has anyone asked when they are sending out letters? I know it’s by April 1st but was curious if anyone called to see if they have been sent out yet or not until next week.
  19. COS Visalia Fall 2021 applicants

    I wonder how they do tie breakers LOL if all 3 of us had the same there is prob many more with the same!
  20. COS Visalia Fall 2021 applicants

    When did you talk to the nursing admim to know they had more apps this year? I applied with 69.5 so going to be close
  21. CSU Stanislaus State Fall of 2020

    What did you end up at on the alternate list?
  22. CSU Stanislaus State Fall of 2020

    Thank you. I am not sure I have not declined yet.
  23. CSU Stanislaus State Fall of 2020

    Did the alternate list come out right when regular acceptances did? Or was it a few days later?
  24. CSU Stanislaus State Fall of 2020

    My friend wants to know when the alternate list will come out. Does anyone know? He has 87 points.
  25. CSU Stanislaus State Fall of 2020

    Just change of plans I'm not ready to begin yet. I believe they will be in waves. If you don't receive anything by tomorrow at like noon I would email the director. You should get in with 99 points.