Deanna Braden

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  1. Deanna Braden

    Lakeview College of Nursing (Charleston) LPN-BSN Fall 2019

    Yes absolutely
  2. Deanna Braden

    Lakeview College of Nursing (Charleston) LPN-BSN Fall 2019

    Yes Absolutely!
  3. Deanna Braden

    Lakeview College of Nursing (Charleston) LPN-BSN Fall 2019

    Yes! Absolutely! Here is my facebook link if you want to send me a request.
  4. Deanna Braden

    Lakeview College of Nursing (Charleston) LPN-BSN Fall 2019

    Yes I am! ?
  5. Deanna Braden

    Lakeview College of Nursing (Charleston) LPN-BSN Fall 2019

    You guys are amazing! Thank you so much! This 100% answered my questions and I am truly excited to start the program in Charleston. Thank you once again and I am truly grateful!
  6. Deanna Braden

    Lakeview College of Nursing (Charleston) LPN-BSN Fall 2019

    I am planning on attending Lakeview and I was wondering about how long you are in classes and clinicals in a single day. I was looking at the sample schedule and on some days it had you starting in the morning and ending at 9 p.m. Am I looking at thi...