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About Guest1144461

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  1. Paying for CRNA School

    My brother used his. Many schools (esp private) arent yellow ribbon or only match a small amount. You need to talk to the VA rep and financial aid dept with whatever school you get into. Apply for FAFSA as per usual For my NP Program I used...
  2. PMHNP School Recommendations

    Go to an in-person school, reduce your hours and immerse yourself in your future career. It's absolutely ridiculous that NP programs push out providers from all online schools who continue to work full-time. Really speaks to the rigor of the educatio...
  3. Advocacy

    See I am just not. This have-it-your-way sort of education style speaks volumes about the education quality. Yes, it's 2023 and a lot of classes can be done online, but when comparing NP education to my brother's CRNA program (he had to move from the...
  4. Advocacy

    Anytime someone speaks out against things like this they get accused of being pessimistic, too negative or even gatekeeping. Not EVERYONE was meant to be a provider. With 90% acceptance rates even at big-name schools with little to no clinical o...
  5. Best Online WHNP Programs 2023?

    Sent you a PM
  6. Help deciding between two CRNA schools

  7. Best Online WHNP Programs 2023?

    Frontier is a well-known program. Keep in mind you will likely need to find your own clinicals for most online programs. Whereabouts in CHI?
  8. Should RaDonda Vaught Have Her Nursing License Reinstated?

    No, this is a grievous error on all counts that shows she doesn't have the capabilities to safely practice. Also, after all of this, why would you want to in all honesty?
  9. Is ARNP worth it?

    From the information you provided, no. I would switch floors or look into travel nursing gigs (tons of resources out there).
  10. New Grad Nocturnist NP

    I hope they train you well, being a hospitalist has an extremely high learning curve. Each hospital tailors their APP's independence at various levels. Being a nocturnist could mean doing admission,s pager calls or rapid responses. They might hand yo...
  11. Hospital
  12. Generally, there is a service obligation incurred. We had to pay back part of our salary if we didn't stay after residency for a certain time period. Residents are getting trained, paid and can leave to make 300k+ right after LOL Man, I ...
  13. I don't think that will likely happen. Either GME money would have to skyrocket or residency allotments would get slashed. They would also have to bill and not just have their attendings do it with the identifier.
  14. That's what bothers me, its entitlement and hubris. Obviously, you aren't in the life position to take on such an undertaking, but you'll find a way to shoehorn getting that "white coat" by any means necessary. Do you think med students love to ...
  15. 1. Offer online only curriculum with no (maybe 1 ) campus visits 2. Have ridiculously low admissions standards 3. Accept as many students as possible 4. Lazyily use discussion boards, reused lectures and YouTube videos as "teaching" ma...