

nursing ethics


All Content by MarkMyWords

  1. Knock knock. Who's there? HIPAA. HIPAA who?

    HIPAA-Potamus! Seriously, last year as I sat in the waiting room of my doctor, a nurse's aide walked in and told me-- so everyone heard-- the name of my intimate procedure! Another patient turned to look at me. That's a violation, isn't it?
  2. Pittsburg Nursing

    Pittsburgh, historically, is Democratic. Family friendly as much as other cities of its type, formerly industrial, middle blue-collarish diverse ethnic in many neighborhoods. (See University of Pittsburgh has a very reputable medical s...
  3. When male prisoners intentionally expose themselves to females

    Just ignore not even look. Pretend not to care. They are looking for a reaction, any reaction will do. They want attention, so refuse to give them any. This is not about sex or desire, it's a pathetic gimmick to get your intimate attention....
  4. Things I wish my patients understood

    I didn't know that some patients and family are so rude disrespectful to nurses! An outsider would not know Are these incidents typical of patients or common everywhere? Does it depend on patients sickness or demographics? or gender? Or the neighbor...
  5. Things I wish my patients understood

    There is a difference between comments and complaints. Every questionable comment is not a complaint. It depends on the patient's tone of voice and how it is phrased and repeated.. I am pretty sure patients know you don't control their diet or cook t...
  6. Anxiety, depression and job hopping

    I am not a nurse. What helps me is reading and writing that challenges my thinking with full concentration and total focus above my knowledge limit. Nothing else works for long. We cannot advise on meds here but if you live in a state with legal mar...
  7. Back problems-unable to do heavy lifting

    . Can you ask or transfer to a group of less weighty residents? If they are permanent residents then you will have less hardship but this does not solve your problem. It is temporary because new residents might also be obese. You would make up a pret...
  8. Student Preparedness

    Most students avoid or minimize prep for classes. If they say they don't have the time, then they don't want to. Thats the oldest excuse in the world. When my students didn't prepare, I wrote a 1 page concise summary of the lesson and handed it out. ...
  9. Does the shot mess with your DNA?

    Most people, regardless of age or education (except medical degrees), have no knowledge of science or medicine, in general, or even what science is. This widespread ignorance leads to stupid conspiracy theories and unjustified fear. Movies and books ...
  10. This is important and not laughed at. Any or all loud music is 'wrong especially at meal time. This is a time to relax! It causes people like me to lose their appetite or leave early and. also conversation is stifled. No music at all should be playe...
  11. "Thank you for your service"

    I agree. Are the thank yous for workers in no risk jobs too? You could be a cook or traffic cop or some easy desk job and have nothing to do with covid. Despite that I feel that saying thanks is a nice way to end a conversation with anyone who help...
  12. Back Pain

    I suffer from back pains though I am not a nurse. I tried all kinds of massages and they help temporarily but not for chronic pain. It lasts about 1 or 2 days of relief for me. Use Tylenol 500. Hydrocone is very good but may cause constipation or li...
  13. Should I feel bad?

    I agree. Tell her this week is important to you. She will not be a work pal any longer.
  14. Old joke about arm pain

    Same thing actually happened to my mother. She says, my arm hurts when I touch it. Doc says, then don't touch it. True.
  15. Yeah, but why must America be the world's caregiver? Why not other nations, such as China?
  16. Which Covid Vaccine is better?

    I doubt that I will get a choice. Why you think we will? I am on the early list for it, (because of age and lungs) but eligible population is large where I live and the website says nothing about the company brand. I read that baseball great Ha...
  17. I agree with you there. So someone in Asia or Africa will get the vaccine before I do? Besides, the U.S. budget is already a trillion in debt, isn't it?
  18. COVID Misinformation/Ignorance

    Here are some reasons for the ignorance. Naive and gullible people who don't know anything about science including educated individuals with PhDs. Secondly. A distrust of doctors and the medical "greedy" business. Third. A distrust and skepticism to...
  19. How to Answer 'What Did You Like Least About Your Last Job?'

    I agree and have been interviewed so many times. You could say that there was nothing I didn't like about the job or mention something trivial or I prefer to be busier
  20. Should I omit some of my nursing experience to get a job in L&D?

    You might get away with it or possibly be discovered later. It's a chance. People do this in other occupations but nursing is altogether different. Ask yourself if it is worth the risk. I don't know your age or where you are.
  21. Required to do free visit??

    How much time did you spend there?
  22. This is becoming boring

    If you are really VERY bored with nothing to do.... On the bottom right of the computer screen is the date and time. Add up the numerals in different ways and see if you get an interesting number. It is trivial yet passes the time! This minut...
  23. Adjunct faculty job

    Yes, adjunct is like on/off teaching, no guarantee of future assignments or anything. Similar to contractual work, a hired hand...may last 1 semester or many years. It is not regular employment in that you are used when and where they need you, paid ...
  24. Doc Won't See Me Because I Treat Covid Patients

    Ignore the no show fee. Ridiculous. You were there--it was the doctor's choice. . Find another doc, obviously...I try to find one where I can do something else in the area. An errand, restaurant or shopping,,,to justify my trip and time.
  25. What is up with the level of entitlement?

    Entitlement ideas are everywhere nowadays especially in the last 35 years. In college classes from experience with older nontraditional students. The attitude increased after strong feminist resentments. No one is really entitled to a good job. ...