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All Content by Dawwn

  1. Reported for a swear

    Hi, I've been a nurse for nine years. The facility I did work for was great. In four years I haven't been wrote up, made a med error and picked up extra shifts. This is what I'm hoping to get some advice on. At the end of a shift that I had been kick...
  2. Reported for a swear

    I did not file anything with the police. I guess you get so use to this in a nursing home you no longer think you have rights.
  3. Reported for a swear

    The termination was reversed. As I had already turned in a letter of resignation and had planned to leave for another position prior to this happening. Corporate did not respond back the DON called.
  4. Reported for a swear

    I'm relieved to say that after talking to a lawyer I called corporate. Explaining I felt I was unfairly fired. Never once was I asked what led up to this. And given that I had a spotless record this should be considered. Also I had turned in my resig...